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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Industrieroboter mit Studentin.

The aim of engineering education is to develop engineers with high professional competence. In eleven laboratories, our faculty ensures education according to the most modern standards - practical, individual, high-quality and future-oriented.

Studierende mit Professor am Fahrzeug-Prüfstand.

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is one of the founding faculties of Ravensburg-Weingarten University. It offers qualified education in four Bachelor's degree programs and two Master's degree programs.

Through the trade teacher study program Automotive Engineering PLUS Teaching Post, the spectrum of the faculty is supplemented by a didactic/pedagogical component.

Currently, about 600 students are enrolled at the faculty. Eleven laboratories ensure a modern and practical education. Teaching is practice- and project-oriented. An outstanding project is the development and production of a Formula Student racing car.

Our mission statement

The goal of engineering education at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is to develop engineers with a high level of professional competence. Through their studies, they should acquire a broad foundation in engineering science with exemplary practice-oriented specialization. The study program is

  • is practical, individual, high-quality and future-oriented
  • enables the development of sustainable technical solutions and ensures communication skills with neighboring disciplines and the natural sciences in addition to specialist scientific skills
  • includes the basic knowledge of economics and social sciences
  • enables the ability to work in a team, as well as assertiveness, a sense of moral responsibility and the ability to reflect
  • includes not only the pure transfer of knowledge, but also the formation of personality

Our communication is characterized by

  • collegiality, team spirit and respectful interaction
  • objective and appreciative discussion

Our cooperation includes as indispensable components

  • the closeness of the students to their lecturers
  • mutual help and mutual trust
  • intensive cooperation with other faculties, educational institutions and companies

Our region is at the center of everything we do.

  • support regional, often internationally active companies
  • are locally rooted, but demand and promote international experience

We see our further development as a social and economic responsibility. This

  • means a constant further development of the faculty, the members of the faculty as well as their facilities
  • represents a joint task in which each member takes active responsibility


All events

Further information




Automotive Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Automotive Engineering PLUS Teaching Post

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Energy and Environmental Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering



Environmental and Process Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Product Development in Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


Chemistry and environmental analysis

Electric drives and controls

Electrochemical energy and process engineering

Energy and fluid mechanics

Forming technology

Materials testing

Machining Technology


News of this faculty

Press release

On the way to your dream job as a professor?

The mentoring and qualification program for women "Dream job Professor Plus" is starting its second sponsorship - RWU is also involved.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Peter Fath receives honorary professorship - The future belongs to photovoltaics

On June 26, RWU awarded its long-time lecturer Dr. Peter Fath an honorary professorship. He has been committed to the development and expansion of photovoltaic systems for over 25 years.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

HVO 100 - a new fuel in the vehicle technology laboratory

In the vehicle technology laboratory of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, all diesel-powered drives are currently being converted to the diesel replacement fuel HVO 100, which was recently released for sale.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Last Friday, the graduates of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering celebrated the completion of their studies.

Press release

Steel parts from the printer

Three RWU Master's graduates have built a metal 3D printer. They have now gained plenty of experience with it and are looking for partners.

Award ceremony

Paul Hecht receives TOX Applied Engineering Award 2023

For the eleventh time, TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK is honoring an outstanding student achievement at RWU. The TOX-Applied-Engineering-Award 2023 goes to mechanical engineering graduate Paul Hecht.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Heating oil store becomes laboratory

RWU's former heating oil storage facility has been converted into a laboratory. Where there used to be space for 80,000 liters of oil, RWU's Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is now working on additive manufacturing.

Press release

Engineers of the future honored

The champagne glasses clinked again last Friday: RWU's Faculty of Mechanical Engineering celebrated its graduates.

Press release

Mechanical Engineering international at RWU

RWU now also offers an international, English-language study option in the field of Mechanical Egineering with "International Project Engineering".

Press release

Stage victory: graduation

At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Ravensburg-Weingarten University, 83 graduates celebrated the successful completion of their studies.

TOX Award 2022

Innovative master thesis awarded

Lorenz Heinz received the TOX-Applied Engineering Award for his master thesis "Systematic investigation of cooling structures in water-cooled electrical machines".

Image galleries

Photo galleries of this faculty

Contact & People

General contact details

Opening hours Monday - Friday from 9:00-11:45 a.m.
Fax +49-751-501-9651
Room H 135
On campus
Building H (main building)
Doggenriedstrasse 70
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten


Materials science
Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering




Vehicle design, lightweight construction and alternative drives
Chemistry/Physical Chemistry, Environmental Analysis
Dean of Studies Environmental and Process Engineering (Master)
Vibration theory and machine dynamics
Dean of Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor), Dean of Students in the Dean's Office of Mechanical Engineering
Electrical drive technology, control engineering and mechatronics
Dean of Studies Automotive Engineering
Head of Internship Office Faculty M, QM Officer and Equal Opportunity Officer
Materials science
Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Lightweight construction and structural materials
Mathematics, microcontroller programming, mechatronics
Energy systems and turbomachinery
Plastics technology, smart materials and bionics
Dean of Automotive Engineering PLUS Teaching (Bachelor), Equal Opportunity Officer at RWU
Design and development in automotive engineering
Dean of Studies Product Development in Mechanical Engineering (Master), International Representative of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Automation technology, manufacturing automation
Modeling and Simulation, Digital Engineering
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Simulation in product development
Renewable energy systems and environmental engineering
Dean of Energy and Environmental Engineering (Bachelor)

Academic staff

Energy and environmental technology
Materials testing, metrology
Machining technology and control technology for machine tools
Electrical machines and controls, power and fluid machinery
Motor vehicles and vehicle mechatronics
Electric drives & controls, IT tools