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Housing for internationals

Halls of residence

For international degree-seeking students, there are a limited number of rooms available in the student dormitories. Please apply youself directly to the dormitory organizations. You will find information on room offers and application procedures on their website.

As the housing market in Weingarten and Ravensburg is not large and many students are looking for new accommodation, especially at the beginning of the semester, you should start looking as early as possible and take advantage of all options.

The International Office cannot reserve any room for international degree-seeking students!

Halls of residence in Weingarten:

As the bus connection between Ravensburg and Weingarten is good, the halls of residence in Ravensburg are also a very good option.

Halls of residence in Ravensburg:


Private housing market

Alternatively, you have the option of looking for a room on the private housing market - also in shared flats. You can search for suitable apartments in the daily and weekly newspapers in the area(Schwäbische Zeitung, Wochenblatt, Südfinder) or on the following websites, among others:


Short-term accommodation

If you have not found an apartment by the start of the semester, you can book a room at Ravensburg Youth Hostel at short notice.

AirBnB is also an option.