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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Heating oil store becomes laboratory

RWU Übergabe Labor Additive Fertigung
V.l.: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Engelhardt, Leiter des Studiengangs Maschinenbau; Rektor Prof. Dr. Thomas Spägele; Thomas Pehle, Abteilungsleiter Hochbau im Amt für Vermögen und Bau Ravensburg; Prof. Dr. Theresa Breckle, Professorin für Fertigungstechnik mit Schwerpunkt Additive Fertigung; Michael Blockus, Architekt und Bauleiter vom Amt für Vermögen und Bau Ravensburg; Prof. Dr. Thomas Glogowski, Dekan der Fakultät Maschinenbau

The former heating oil storage facility at Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences has been converted into a laboratory. The Office for Property and Construction has now handed over the space to the university in its new function. Where there used to be two oil tanks, each with a capacity of 40,000 liters, RWU's Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is now working on additive manufacturing.

"Two things were complex about this conversion," says Thomas Pehle, Head of the Building Construction Department at the Ravensburg Office for Property and Construction: "The new use meant there were requirements for ventilation and extraction. We also had to install a new floor that can bear a load of four tons per square metre."

Expansion using 3D printing for metals

Where there was previously a drop of one and a half meters, there is now a floor slab at ground level. This made it possible to insulate the new floor from below. The heating oil tanks had already been removed several years ago and replaced with a wood chip system. They have now been replaced by a high metal 3D printer and a powder bed printer.

The laminating stand has also found a new home in the room. This is where the RWU Formula Student Team produces parts for its racing car from carbon and epoxy resins.

"We are very happy about this renovation and the new possibilities," said Professor Dr. Thomas Glogowski, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at RWU. "This comes at the right time, as we are expanding the field of 3D printing for metals." Thomas Pehle added: "As the responsible building authority for property and construction, we are always keen to offer the university the best possible support so that it continues to enjoy such a good reputation."

Christoph Oldenkotte