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Fees, funding and financing

Geld, Euro, Sparen, Finanzen
Study costs

What does (my) degree cost?

Studying is an investment into your future, but how much does a degree actually cost? Here you will find information concerning fees that you may have to pay during your studies as well as financial options.

Depending on where you study and what subject you study, studying can be expensive. In addition to fees charged by the respective educational institutions, costs for accommodation, meals, public transport, textbooks as well as money for seminars, trips and/ or equipment - depending on the degree programme - must be well budgeted and planned for. A budget plan can help you keep track of your income and expenses and keep your finances balanced.

How can costs be reduced?

In many cases, parents and relatives help cover the monthly costs, but this depends on the individual financial situation and is not always possible. In such cases, there is state support know as BAföG which is intended to make it possible for everyone to take up an education, regardless of their social and economic situation. Scholarships can also provide financial support during your studies. Many students live together in shared flats, student residence or student halls of residence, to reduce the cost of rental. Textbooks can be borrowed from the library rather than having to buy them.

What are the RWU FEES?

The University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg Weingarten is a state university and therefore does not charge tuition fees for first-year students. Each semester the, so-called, semester fee is charged, estimated to be around 195 euros. In addition to the semester fee, additional fees may be required depending on the degree programme. In addition to the semester fee, a once off fee for your student ID card is charged.

All you need to know regarding semester fees, second tuition fees and financial support through BAföG and scholarships can be found on this page at a glance.

FAQ Semester fee

Each semester, students are required to pay the current semester fee € 195.00. The semester fee is due upon enrolment or re-registration.

Allocated as follows: the current administration fee of € 80.00, the current student union fee of € 90.50, as well as, the current "Verfasste Studierendenschaft" (student body) fee of € 24.50.


In the first semester, there is a one-off fee of € 9.00 for the student ID card, in addition to the semester fee.

You are able to apply for a refund of the semester fee if you deregister no later than one month after the start of lectures, the semester fee will be refunded on request.

The application form to apply for a deregistration can be found in the download area on the Student Service page or directly on campus at the Student Service Department located in the H-Building. Completed forms shall be uploaded in MyCampus. The application for reimbursement is also made directly online in this portal.

In case of questions contact the Admissions Office (Student Service).

Recipient: LOK BA-WÜ / HS RV-Wgt.

IBAN: DE02 6005 0101 7495 5301 02

Bank: Baden-Württembergische Bank (BW Bank)

SORT CODE: 6005 0101


Payment Reference: 8 679 130 002 817 - NAME & APPLICATION/MATRIC NUMBER


Please note: The reason for payment of the tuition fees for the continuing education programmes "International Business Management" and "Management in Social and Health Care" is different. Further information can be found on your fee notification.

If you have any further questions, please contact the Admissions Office.

Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Teaching degree programs, Media Design, PEM, UVM
Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Faculty of Technology and Management, Fee Management

FAQ Tuition Fees for International Students

Since the winter semester 2017/2018, universities in Baden-Württemberg have been charging tuition fees for the state to international students who are not citizens of an EU/EEA member state. International students who hold a German HZB (“Hochschulzugangsberechtigung”) - University entrance qualification - are not subject to tuition fees.

The fees are used for courses on offer, including the specific associated support for international students in Bachelor's degree programmes, consecutive Master's degree programmes as well as undergraduate degree programmes.

The universitie retains twenty percent of the income from tuition fees.

The addition semester fee, per semester, is € 1,500.00, subject to change.

Legally binding payment deadlines can be found in your fee notice (§4 (2) LHGebG). As a rule, fees are due on the following dates:

  • 15 January:  Summer Semester Fee

  • 15 July: Winter Semester Fee

Fees must be reflecting in the university's bank account on the due date above, no later. The bank transfer must therefore be made in advance.

There are special exceptions to the charging of fees in the case of a so-called established domestic connection. This may be the case, for example, if you have an EU settlement permit. Whether you fall into such exceptions or not will be checked before you start your studies by completing the information form provided by the RWU.

In general, it is the duty of applicants and students to inform themselves about the possible exception or to contact the Student Administartion Office directly to submit the relevant documents.

As a rule, the fees are automatically waived for:

  • EU/EEA citizens (§ 3 (1) LHGebG)
  • Foreign students with a German University entrance qualification (HZB) (§ 3 (2) LHGebG)
  • Students in a continuing education Master programme (§ 3 (1) LHGebG)
  • International students studying at RWU within the framework of cooperation agreements (§ 6 (1) LHGebG):
    • Exchange students studying in Baden-Württemberg for 1-2 semesters and without the intention of obtaining a degree.
    • Students in double degree programmes (double degree students) with a compulsory stay abroad.

In the following cases, students are exempt from the obligation to pay fees upon application, provided this was submitted before the start of the lecture period (§10 (3) LHGebG):

  • in the practical semester, which is part of the standard period of study (§ 6 (2) sentence 2 LHGebG)
  • in the case, leave of absence, if the application for leave of absence was submitted before the start of the lecture period (§ 6 (2) sentence 1 LHGebG)
  • in the practical year (§ 6 (2) sentence 3 LHGebG)

In addition, the following students may apply for a leave of absence:

  • Foreign nationals with a residence permit in accordance with § 55 (1) of the Asylum Act, who have the nationality of a country of origin that has been assessed by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees as having a protection quota of 50 percent or more (§ 6 (6) LHGebG)
  • Students with a disability that makes studying considerably more difficult (§ 6 (7) LHGebG).

If, through no fault of their own, students find themselves in an emergency situation after commencing their studies and are unable to pay the fees, the university may defer the fees in full or in part or waive them in full or in part (§ 7 LHGebG).

The tuition fee can be refunded up to one month after the start of lectures (§ 10 (4) LHGebG).

A refund of the paid fee is possible:

  • if the requirements for an exception could not be proven in time for enrollment,
  • if the requirements for an exception are met within one month of the start of the lecture period,
  • if you terminate your studies within one month of the start of lectures and are exmatriculated with immediate effect.

The tuition fee can be collected subsequently if it has not been collected despite the fact that you are obliged to pay the fee.

The application form to apply for a deregistration can be found in the download area on the Student Service page or directly on campus at the Student Service Department located in the H-Building. Completed forms shall be uploaded in MyCampus. The application for reimbursement is also made directly online in this portal.

Please note that the texts in this section have been simplified in layman's terms making them easier to understand. However, all texts from the State of Higher Education Fees Act (LHGebG) and the information provided in regards to your fee notice are legally binding and relevant.

FAQ Second tuition fee

Students who take up a second or further course of study in an undergraduate degree programme (Bachelor's degree programme) or in a second or further consecutive Master' s degree programme following a higher education degree completed in the Federal Republic of Germany (second-degree programme) are obligated to pay tuition fees from the winter semester 2017/18. Students are liable to pay tuition fees at the beginning of the semester following the date of their degree certificate.

By changing a degree programme without graduating does not lead to a tuition fee obligation for a second-degree programme. Only when a degree programme has successfully been completed do the tuition fees become compulsory for the second Bachelor's or Master's degree programme for the (remaining) duration of studies.

The fee is €650.00 per semester and is in addition to the semester fee.

Legally binding payment deadlines can be found in your fee notice (§4 (2) LHGebG). As a rule, fees are due on the following dates:

  • 15 January:  Summer Semester Fee
  • 15 July: Winter Semester Fee

The fee must be reflecting in the university's bank account on the due date, no later. Therefore transfer for payments should be made accordingly beforehand.

The second tuition fee does not apply:

  • for international students who already pay a tuition fee according to § 8 (1) sentence 3 LHGebG.
  • for students of a continuing education Master's programme (§ 8 (1) sentence 1 LHGebG)
  • if the first degree course was completed abroad and no undergraduate or consecutive degree course has yet been completed in Germany (§ 8 (1) sentence 1 LHGebG)
  • for the study of an extension subject within the framework of a teacher training course (§ 8 (3) sentence 2 LHGebG)
  • if the second course of study is compulsory under professional regulations for obtaining a professional qualification (e.g. oral surgery) (§ 8 (3) sentence 1 LHGebG)

In the following cases, students are exempt from the obligation to pay fees on application, if this is submitted before the start of the lecture period (§10 (3) LHGebG):

  • in the practical semester, which is part of the standard period of study (§ 6 (2) sentence 2 LHGebG)
  • in the case, leave of absence, if the application for leave of absence was submitted before the start of the lecture period (§ 6 (2) sentence 1 LHGebG)
  • in the practical year (§ 6 (2) sentence 3 LHGebG)
  • Students with a disability that makes studying considerably more difficult (§ 6 (7) LHGebG).

The tuition fee can be refunded up to one month after the start of lectures (§ 4 (2) and § 10 (4) LHGebG).

The tuition fee can be collected subsequently if it has not been collected despite an existing fee obligation. (§ 10 (4) LHGebG)

The application form to apply for a deregistration can be found in the download area on the Student Service page or directly on campus at the Student Service Department located in the H-Building. Completed forms shall be uploaded in MyCampus. The application for reimbursement is also made directly online in this portal.

Please note that the texts in this section have been simplified in layman's terms. However, all texts from the State of Higher Education Fees Act (LHGebG) and the information provided regarding your fee notice are legally binding and relevant.

If you have any questions, please contact the staff of the Admissions Office.

Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Teaching degree programs, Media Design, PEM, UVM
Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Faculty of Technology and Management, Fee Management

FAQ Tuition fees for part-time degree programmes

For our part-time Master's degree programmes, so-called continuing education degree programmes, a tuition fee is charged for the study programme. You can find the amount of the fees directly at the respective degree programmes.

The regulations on tuition fees in the part-time Master's programmes are laid down in the respective statutes on tuition fees. Before you start your studies, you will receive a tuition fee notice with information on payment.

If you have any questions, please contact the staff of the Admissions Office.

Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Teaching degree programs, Media Design, PEM, UVM
Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Faculty of Technology and Management, Fee Management

Other fees

The university may charge fees or fees for special services. This applies in particular to additional administrative activities (for example, replacement certificates, late fees) and to offers that are not part of a study and examination regulation (for example, Maths Pre-Course).

BAföG & Scholarships

Financing your studies with BAföG

BAföG stands for Berufsausbildungsförderungsgesetz (Vocational Training Assistance Act) and is a state social benefit intended to enable everyone to complete an education, regardless of their social and economic situation,. Half of the funding is granted as a grant and the remaining half is granted as an interest-free loan.

  • The training grant is granted, earliest, at the beginning of the training or, at the latest, at the beginning of the month in which the application is submitted.
  • The maximum funding period is based on the standard period of study of the respective degree program.
  • Students with children receive a childcare supplement.
  • The funding grant also continues during practical semesters and semesters abroad; depending on the country, supplements and travel allowances which are also granted for BAföG abroad.

Detailed information on BAföG can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BAföG.


The Office for Educational Support of the Studierendenwerk Bodensee Seezeit is responsible for processing BAföG applications. All information regarding the application process, deadlines and documents to be submitted can be found on the website of the Studierendenwerk Bodensee Seezeit.

Current application forms and fact sheets can be downloaded from the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research: All application forms.

The free BAföG hotline can help at:
0800-223 63 41

Available from Monday to Friday from 8 am - 8 pm.

The BAföG hotline is provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

The BAföG applications of our students are processed by the BAföG Office of the Studierendenwerk Seezeit Bodensee.

For all questions regarding BAföG, the BAföG office of Seezeit can be contacted at:


How do I find a scholarship?

Some scholarships are available to students in a specific subject area or students with special requirements, many are aimed at all students regardless of their subject.

We can recommend the following websites where one can apply for a scholarship:

Special support programmes

Initiative ArbeiterKind

The initiative supports pupils from non-academic backgrounds on their way to successfully completing their studies.

More info:



Since 2011, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research has been awarding "Deutschlandstipendien" for gifted students in cooperation with private sponsors. General information can be found at
Deadlines and modalities for applying for a Deutschlandstipendium at RWU can be found in the FAQ.


If you have any questions regarding the application, you can contact the following members of staff at the university:

  1. Dean of the Faculty for questions about faculty-specific scholarships.
  2. International Office for questions about scholarships for stays abroad or scholarships for foreign students
  3. Career Service for questions about company scholarships and Deutschlandstipendium

The Deutschland-Stipendium programme initiated by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research has been offered at our university since the winter semester 2011/12.

Many thanks to the sponsors:

  • Berufsbildungswerk Philipp Jakob Wieland, Ulm
  • Coperion GmbH, Weingarten
  • RAFI GmbH & CO KG, Berg
  • Stender GmbH, Wangen
  • TWS Netz GmbH, Ravensburg
  • JOSEF WAGNER FOUNDATION, Friedrichshafen



  • The number of scholarships to be awarded is determined by a quota set by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and is currently 1.5%. The actual amount of scholarships to be awarded depends on the sponsors that the university has been able to attract.
  • The amount of the scholarship is 300€ per month, half of which is paid by the private sponsor and half by the federal government.
  • The university endeavours to distribute the scholarships as evenly as possible across all faculties. The sponsors can influence the choice of degree programmes they wish to support. The final selection of the degree programmes to be supported is also based on the applications received.
  • The scholarship selection committee decides on the awarding of the scholarships with an advisory vote of the sponsors.
  • The scholarship is awarded for one year at a time, after which the sponsor decides whether he or she would like to extend the scholarship and the university checks whether the scholarship holder's performance still meets the funding criteria.

Further information and FAQs on the Germany Scholarship can be found at:

Applications for a Deutschlandstipendium at Ravensburg-Weingarten University are only possible for the winter semester.

Applications for the Deutschlandstipendium for the winter semester 2025/26 are possible from

28 September 2025 until 08 October 2025.

Please send your application in an attachment in PDF format, maximum size 3 MB by e-mail to:

Please also send any questions to:

Applications not submitted in due time and form cannot be considered in the selection process.


  1. the completed application form (as a download at the bottom of this page: please edit the form with Adobe Acrobat and save it under your name)
  2. a letter of motivation not exceeding 2 pages in length
  3. a curriculum vitae in table form
  4. the certificate of higher education entrance qualification, in the case of foreign certificates a translation that can be transferred to the German system
  5. If applicable, proof of a special qualification which entitles the applicant to study in the respective degree programme at Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences.
  6. For applicants to the Master's degree programme, the certificate of a first university degree and, if applicable, further certificates of achievement in accordance with the admission and selection regulations for the Master's degree programme.
  7. if applicable, proof of academic achievements to date
  8. if applicable, internship and work references as well as proof of special awards and prizes, other knowledge and further commitment.

If the application documents are not written in German or English, an officially certified translation in German must be enclosed.


  • The number of scholarships to be awarded is determined by a quota set by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and depends on the number of sponsors.
  • The amount of the scholarship is 300 € per month, half of which is paid by the private sponsor and half by the federal government.
  • The university endeavours to distribute the scholarships as evenly as possible across all faculties. The sponsors can influence the choice of degree programmes they wish to sponsor. The final selection of the degree programmes to be supported is also based on the applications received.
  • The scholarship selection committee decides on the awarding of the scholarships with an advisory vote of the sponsors.
  • The scholarship is granted for one year at a time, after which the sponsor decides whether they would like to extend their sponsorship and the university checks whether the scholarship holder's performance still meets the sponsorship criteria.

Further information and FAQs on the Germany Scholarship:

Internships & working student jobs

Study & Work

Studying costs money, the costs cannot always be covered by a BAföG, scholarships or student loans. Many students work while studying, whether it is a part-time job or a working student position. This not only brings in money, but also makes it possible to gain professional experience.

Which portals are specifically available for RWU students?


Other popular platforms are:

There are numerous companies and businesses in the region that regularly advertise internships, final theses studies and working student positions.  It is worth looking directly at the companies' job advertisements.

Yes, but you must note that as a full-time student, you are allowed to work a maximum of 20 hours/week during the lecture period for insurance purposes. During the lecture-free period (semester break) or during an internship, this regulation is waived. During this time, you may work as much as you like.

Please note that if you take up employment during a semester off (e.g. voluntary internship), you are subject to social insurance as normal. This means that you will be treated like a normal employee for both social security and wage tax purposes. Therefore, you cannot work as a student trainee during a semester off, as the working student privilege does not apply here.

For Non-EU students there are special conditions concerning work visa. Please inform about your individual working permit.

In addition to regular mini-jobs and temporary jobs, there is also the possibility of working as a student trainee in a company. With a working student job, you earn more than a low-income employee, but have the advantage that you have to pay significantly fewer social security contributions. Only the pension insurance is deducted from the salary. Since studies always come first in a working student job as well, the weekly working hours may not exceed 20 hours. A special regulation allows you to work more during semester breaks.

What are the advantages of a working student position?

  • Valuable practical experience
  • more salary with fewer deductions
  • Possible further employment, e.g. after the practical semester

The online portal Campus-Jäger has compiled detailed information on working student jobs: What is a working student?

This depends on various factors, such as the country, the industry and the company where the internship is completed. In some countries, such as Germany, there are legal regulations on the remuneration of internships. In other countries, there are no such regulations and the remuneration depends on the individual agreements between the intern and the employer.

In some sectors, internships tend to be unpaid, such as in the creative industries or journalism, while in other sectors, such as engineering or IT, interns are often paid.

It is therefore important to find out in advance about the remuneration of internships in the industry and country in question. Often trade unions, professional associations or job portals can also help here.