Here you will find a list of all important contact persons so that you can quickly and easily find the right contact for your request. We have sorted all contacts by topic so that you can easily find the right contact for you.
Advice navigator
Academic advising
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Appliede Computer Science.
Prof. Dipl.-Math. Ekkehard Löhmann
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Applied Psychology.
Prof. Dr. phil. Silvia Queri Diplom-Psychologin (BDP)
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Business Administration and Management.
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Heike Willax
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program E-Mobility and Green Energy (EN).
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Pfeil
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EN).
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Pfeil
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Electromobility and Renewable Energies (DE).
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Pfeil
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (DE).
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Pfeil
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Energy and Environmental Engineering.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Ziegler
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Automotive engineering.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Haag
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Automotive Engineering PLUS Teacher Training.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Schreier-Alt
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Health economics.
Prof. Dr. Jan-Marc Hodek
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Computer Science/Electrical Engineering PLUS Teacher Training.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Weiss
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Internet and Online Marketing.
Prof. Dr. Nils Middelberg
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Mechanical Engineering.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Engelhardt
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Mechanical Engineering/Fahrzeugtechnik (training-integrated variant).
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Niedermeier
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Mechanical Engineering/Internationalional Project Engineering (international variant).
Prof. Dr.-Ing. hab. Ralf Stetter
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Media Design.
Prof. Klemens Ehret
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Nursing.
Prof. Dr. rer. cur. Maik Hans-Joachim Winter
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Physical Engineering (DE).
To the degree program Physical Engineering (EN).
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jan Schlemmer
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Social Work.
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Business Informatics.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Michelberger
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Business Informatics PLUS Teacher Training.
Prof. Dr. Christian Lazar
- Advice on the degree program
- Individual study programs
- Credits
- Equal opportunities examination
About the degree program Industrial Engineering (Technology Management).
Prof. Dr. Jörg Eberhardt
Practice office
- Job application
- Target agreements
- Contracts with internships
- Searching for an internship
- Recognition of internship semesters
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Friedrich
- Building V
- Room V 309
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marius Hofmeister
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Markus Josef Rager
- Job application
- Target agreements
- Contracts with internships
- Searching for an internship
- Recognition of internship semesters
Brigitte Fischinger
- Job application
- Target agreements
- Contracts with internships
- Searching for an internship
- Recognition of internship semesters
Further information from the Social Work Practice Office.
Prof. Dr. Julia Wege
Petra Fiedler
- Job application
- Target agreements
- Contracts with internships
- Searching for an internship
- Recognition of internship semesters
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Harth
Student Service
- Application procedure
- Exmatriculation
- Admission
- Credits
- Semester fee
- Certifications
Central e-mail addresses:
Further information from the Admissions Office.
Sandra Gmeinder
Lucia Mengis
Marina Schneider
- Examinations
- Certifications
Central e-mail address:
Further information from the Student Examination Office.
Yasemin Ercan
Monika Huber
Irma Krasovec B.A.
Anja Mayr
- Visa and residence permit
- Accommodation/Housing
- Arrival, Welcome Week and Orientation Week
- German courses
- Buddy Program, Brother and Sister Program
- Living in Germany: German health insurance, opening a bank account, excursions
- Financing, scholarships and prizes
Further information about the International Office.
Ramona Herrmann
Barbara Wildenhain
- Visa and residence permit
- Accommodation/Housing
- Funding, scholarships and prices
To the Opportunities for students to study or do an internship abroad.
- Language courses
- Online placement test
- German courses
- Language tests (Testdaf, TOEFL, TOEIC, DELF, DALF, DELE, DELI, DILC, CELI, DALI and CILS)
- Foreign languages
- Intercultural skills
Further information from the CLIC.
Dolores Müller
Central Student Advisory Service
- Counseling
- Information on the degree programs
Central e-mail address:
Further information from the Central Student Advisory Service.
Isabel Heigle M.A.
- Counseling
- Support services
Further information about our learning opportunities for students.
Martin Preußentanz M.A.
- Studying with a child
- Studying with care responsibilities
Central e-mail address:
Further information from the family-friendly university.
Dr. Anja Wagner
- Studying with a disability
- Studying with chronic illnesses
Further information on Studying in special circumstances.
Prof. Dr. Monika Schröttle
Further information on Studying in special circumstances.
Prof. Dr. phil. Silvia Queri Diplom-Psychologin (BDP)
Bei Fragen oder Problemen im Bereich der Antidiskriminierung steht Ihnen Prof. Dr. Marlene Haupt mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Diskriminierung jeglicher Art hat bei uns keinen Platz und wir setzen uns aktiv für eine offene und gerechte Gesellschaft ein. Wir möchten, dass sich jeder bei uns willkommen und respektiert fühlt, unabhängig von Geschlecht, Herkunft, Religion oder sexueller Orientierung. Zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren, wenn Sie Unterstützung benötigen - unsere Ansprechpartnerin für Antidiskriminierung hilft Ihnen gerne weiter.
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Marlene Haupt
Betroffene von sexueller Belästigung und Gewalt können sich an Frau Prof. Dr. Klimsa und Herr Prof. Dr. Wendorff wenden. Wir nehmen Ihre Anliegen ernst und behandeln sie mit der notwendigen Diskretion. Sie können sich darauf verlassen, dass wir Ihnen vertrauensvoll und professionell helfen. Zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren, wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen.
Prof. Dr. phil. Anja Klimsa M.A.
Prof. Dr. Jörg Wendorff
The data center service portal offers IT support from the data center, such as information and applications for VPN access, WLAN, software, instructions and much more.
Central e-mail address:
To the RZ service portal:
- Questions about the RWU tools
- Moodle Support
Central e-mail address:
Martin Preußentanz M.A.
Studierendenwerk Seezeit
- Job and private accommodation exchange
- Issue and acceptance of BAföG applications
- Issue and acceptance of student housing applications
- Advice on KfW and student financing
- Social counseling
Central e-mail address:
Further information from Seezeit.
- Lazarettstrasse residential complex in Weingarten with 204 beds
- Further residential complexes in Ravensburg and Friedrichshafen
Central e-mail address:
Further information on Housing options in the vicinity of RWU.
Registration at the e-mail address:
Further information about the Seezeit.
St.-Longinus-Strasse 1
88250 Weingarten
Phone +49 7531 - 9782 250
Fax +49 7531 - 9782 109
Further information about Villa Kunterbunt in Weingarten.
Career and further training
Appointment for an individual application consultation:
Further information on the Career Service.
- Job offers for internships, theses, jobs from regional to international
- Career tips on many and almost everything
- Events on and around the topic of careers
- Company presentations with words and pictures
- Registration for the Career Service events
Find out more via a short video:
Click here to go to your Career Center.
Central continuing education institution of the RWU Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences.
Further information from the AWW.