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“Good teaching and learning” Mission Statement

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“Good Teaching and Learning” Mission Statement

The mission statement "Good Teaching and Learning" defines our self-image with regard to our core mission and complements RWU's mission statement.

Good teaching and learning at RWU is ...


The content we teach is application-oriented. The qualifications we provide match the needs of the job market and drive social progress.

Our teaching is focused on competency. We empower our students to become autonomous learners.


Our courses prepare students for the economy of tomorrow and are based on state-of-the-art science.

We employ innovative didactic methods, which are regularly developed and adapted to current learning objectives.


Our teachers see themselves as facilitators of learning. Students and teachers are jointly responsible for learning success.

We work together across disciplines and faculties.


Our teachers are approachable and open to dialogue with students.

We allow our students to bring their own interests into the classroom and customize their degree programs.


Our students are motivated and autonomous learners. They are engaged and interested in academic issues.

Our teachers encourage personal development and inspire enthusiasm for their subject.

Mission statement brochure

We have formulated our mission statements as briefly and concisely as possible. Where one term stands for a variety of topics, you will find supplementary pages with additional explanations in the mission statement brochure.

  • RWU Mission Statements (PDF, 3.12 MB)
    Brochure on the University Mission Statement and "Good Teaching and Learning" Mission Statement
  • RWU-Leitbilder (PDF, 3.14 MB)
    Broschüre zum Leitbild der Hochschule und zum Leitbild "Gutes Lehren und Lernen"
Collage Leitbild: Praxisnah


The content we teach is application-oriented. The qualifications we provide match the needs of the job market and drive social progress. Our teaching is focused on competency. We empower our students to become autonomous learners.

“Practice-based” means to us ...

Instruction at RWU is characterized by a systematic blend of theoretical and practical content. Our lecturers have many years of real-world experience, and our students are able to apply and consolidate what they learn in class through laboratory exercises and project work. An internship semester, as well as a practice-oriented final thesis are integral parts of our degree programs. The many hands-on elements facilitate our graduates’ transition to the workplace.

Our lecturers work closely with companies and institutions to make sure that the current demands of real-world workplaces are reflected in RWU classrooms. This exchange also forms the basis for the further development of our degree programs and the creation of new ones. Industry collaboration ensures that our students have the necessary qualifications for an ever-changing job market. These qualifications include intercultural competencies and other interdisciplinary skills in addition to technical expertise.

We want our graduates to be responsible citizens in addition to highly sought-after professionals and leaders. That’s why we seek to foster a sense of responsibility and democratic citizenship as well as encourage critical thinking and social engagement. We empower students to question and help shape societal developments.

We leverage learning-centered teaching to empower our students to apply the specialized knowledge they have acquired in a variety of flexible ways. Students are also able to test this knowledge in complex contexts and, if necessary, to develop their skillsets further independently. The competencies that are acquired are assessed via appropriate forms of examination.

In addition to subject-specific and interdisciplinary qualifications, we also teach our students how to learn independently, from studying techniques to information literacy and time management. Our goal is to prepare our students for a lifetime of learning.

Collage Leitbild: Professionell


Our courses prepare students for the economy of tomorrow and are based on state-of-the-art science. We employ innovative didactic methods, which are regularly developed and adapted to current learning objectives.

“Professional” means to us …

Science, business, and society are constantly evolving, which is why we continually review and adapt our course content to reflect current issues. The aim is to to reflect future developments and needs in today’s teaching.

Our lecturers always keep their knowledge and teaching content up to date, be it through continuing education and training or professional exchange with fellow academics.

We consider new didactic methods and apply recent pedagogical developments to our teaching. Our focus is always on the learning success of the students.

We regularly and systematically evaluate the quality of teaching. We improve our pedagogy based on the results of those evaluations. At RWU, we use a variety of teaching and learning methods, which are then adapted to the culture of each respective faculty. We also take the prior knowledge, motivation, and personal background of the students into account.

The teaching methods we employ are always oriented around learning objectives. The learning objectives are derived from the qualification objectives of the module or degree program and the competency profile of the course.

Collage Leitbild: Partnerschaftlich


Our teachers see themselves as facilitators of learning. Students and teachers are jointly responsible for learning success. We work together across disciplines and faculties.

“Partnership-based” means to us …

The role our teachers play is that of a learning coach: the aim is not just to impart knowledge, but to support students in acquiring knowledge independently and in organizing their own learning. Teachers encourage students to self-reflect as they acquire professional competencies.

Our students and teachers are aware that success in learning depends on cooperation and motivation on both sides. This includes a commitment to teaching as well as active participation from the students. Students are also heavily involved in the development of curricula and the learning environment by sitting on university committees and other forms of participation.

We promote the interdisciplinary networking of knowledge, students, and teachers at RWU. We offer joint courses across degree programs and faculties and encourage a transfer of knowledge through various formats. We also collaborate on research projects, the supervision of theses, and the utilization of laboratories.

Collage Leitbild: Persönlich


Our teachers are approachable and open to dialogue with students. We allow our students to bring their own interests into the classroom and customize their degree programs.

“Personalized” means to us …

Our lecturers are quick to answer students‘ questions and reliably make themselves available during office hours. Constructive exchange with students is actively encouraged by our lecturers, whether the conversation be about course content or organizational issues.

Our teachers ask students about their interests and questions and then incorporate those topics into the courses as much as possible. Our students are actively involved.

Our degree programs and teaching concepts allow room for personalization. Electives, concentrations, individual projects, and e-learning enable our students to customize their degree programs to meet their own career goals and appeal to their own interests.

Collage Leitbild: Passioniert


Our students are motivated and autonomous learners. They are engaged and interested in academic issues. Our teachers encourage personal development and inspire enthusiasm for their subject.

“Passionate” means to us …

Our students approach their education with initiative and a sense of empowerment. They know why they are studying and what their goals are. The students take ownership of their own education and careers. They are active learners rather than passive consumers of information.

Our students invest the time and effort necessary to both contribute to as well as get the most from their classes. Our students get involved in university committees, student projects, and other initiatives. This allows them to help shape the university and expand their personal skill sets at the same time.

In addition to acquiring knowledge within the scope of their own degree program, our students learn about the research process and pose their own questions. They are motivated to engage with scientific ways of thinking and working. Our teachers support research-based learning by bringing elements of their own research into the classroom.

Our lecturers teach soft skills and incorporate key interdisciplinary topics such as ethics, sustainability, and diversity into their teaching. Social competencies and an understanding of one‘s self are integral parts of our degree programs. Our students cultivate a professional image based on standards of workplace behavior and reflect critically on their actions in professional environments.

Our lecturers fulfil their mandate as teachers with motivation and passion. They know why they teach and are aware that their own enthusiasm for their subject contributes to student learning. Our teachers are not aloof purveyors of knowledge. They are committed ambassadors for their academic discipline who make their classes engaging and interesting.

Contact & People

General contact details

Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten