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Human Resources Development

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Human Resources Development

Human Resources Development supports the continuing education of all university staff in line with their needs and in close proximity to their workplaces. The offers are aimed at employees and full-time university lecturers.

Internal continuing education

Our internal continuing education opportunities impart skills that are important for working at RWU. We attach great importance to uncomplicated, tailor-made offers that are close to the workplace:

  • Methodological, personal and communication skills: in addition to individual solutions, we regularly offer internal continuing education measures. For more information on current events, please contact Human Resources Development.
  • As part of a cooperation in the area of human resources development, the universities of Albstadt-Sigmaringen, Konstanz, Ravensburg-Weingarten and Ulm offer joint advanced training courses every semester, for example on the topics of project management, communication and self-organization.
  • Are you part of the teaching staff at RWU? Then the diverse range of continuing education and support offered by our university didactics is just right for you!
  • Intercultural competence: The offers of the Center for Languages and Intercultural Communication (CLIC) are open to all university staff. Whether intercultural seminars, classic language courses or individual language coaching for professors: let CLIC advise you on which offer suits you and your goals!
  • English courses: Due to the importance of English as a language of science and the increasingly international orientation of RWU, we offer English courses for our staff within working hours. For more information on the courses and help in assessing your prior knowledge, please contact CLIC.

External training

Whether you are interested in software training, university didactics or seminars specifically for specialists and managers from the academic world - a wide range of external offerings are available to you.
A selection:

  • Württembergische Verwaltungs- und Wirtschafts-Akademie e.V.: A wide range of seminars for administrative staff at Baden-Württemberg's universities.
  • Hochschulservicezentrum Baden-Württemberg: User training especially in the area of office communication software (word processing, spreadsheets, mail system, etc.) and HIS procedures
  • GHD: University didactic training, consulting and networking offers for teaching staff of the universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg
  • Zentrum für Wissenschaftsmanagement e.V.: Seminars, workshops and consulting for specialists and managers working in a scientific context. Management competencies and tools are aligned with the specifics of the the world of academia. Special target groups such as chancellors, deans and also young scientists will find interesting content for their work.
  • Center for Higher Education Development: With its "University Course - Advanced Training for Science Management," CHE offers a nationwide, cross-university management training program specifically for universities. With this program, it aims to support managers at universities and science institutions in their tasks.
  • German Association of Universities and other Higher Education Institutions: Practical seminars on issues and challenges from everyday university life for scientists and administration experts.
  • Bildungszeit: In accordance with the Baden-Württemberg Training Time Act (Bildungszeitgesetz Baden-Württemberg), employees can be released by their employer for up to five days per year for further training.

Further education abroad with Erasmus+

RWU's international orientation is also reflected in the continuing education programs offered to its employees: with the Staff Mobility for Teaching and the Staff Mobility programs, the university offers its academic and non-academic employees the opportunity to spend time at a university or company in countries participating in the ERASMUS program for continuing education purposes.

RWU will support you in organizing your stay, for example by finding a partner university. Certain deadlines and requirements apply for participation in the programs. You can find out more about ERASMUS+ and staff and faculty mobility in the section "Erasmus Personalmobilität"

Management development

Managers are multipliers, high performers and key persons for the success of our university. At the same time, developments such as the shortage of skilled workers, digitalization or increasing internationalization present managers with the challenge of driving necessary changes at the university and communicating them to their employees. In order to be successful as a leader in this dynamic environment, a shared understanding of leadership as well as mastery of leadership tools and methods is essential.

Our "FührungPlus" program imparts the necessary leadership knowledge in interactive modules. Participants work on their leadership role, learn various methods for leadership practice and for shaping change processes, and are given the necessary tools to remain healthy and effective.

Further information

Organizational Development

Organizational development promotes the performance and learning capabilities of our university and the quality of the working lives of our employees, whether in teaching or in the science-supporting areas. This also includes the targeted design of work processes and work culture.

Introductory event

To give new employees and professors the best possible start at RWU, an introductory event is held once a semester. Here, the new university members learn interesting facts about the structure of the organization, get to know important contact persons and can directly adress questions to the executives. The Head of Administration and the Rector also take the time to personally welcome "the newcomers." In addition to providing helpful knowledge about the university, the event also promotes networking with other new colleagues. It's a great opportunity for all newcomers, and an important building block for collegial interaction at RWU.

Lean Coffee

In every organization there are open questions and room for improvement, also at RWU. To enable all our employees and professors to discuss ideas or work problems among colleagues and to suggest changes easily and effectively, we have introduced the "Lean Coffee" discussion format. Lean Coffee is a meeting where we have a structured discussion over coffee according to Kanban principles. Direct, short and compact. Everyone brings what is on their mind at the moment, and at the beginning of the meeting we jointly determine the topics to be discussed. When concrete actions are decided, we report on their progress at the next meeting. 

Quality management in science administration

Support processes at the administrative level strongly influence the overall success of an academic institution. In order for a modern university administration to be able to handle the increasingly complex tasks involved in supporting academic operations, it is necessary and useful to have a quality management system that continuously improves work processes and consistently aligns them with the requirements of internal and external customers. At RWU, we take this challenge seriously. The members of the Quality Circle support quality improvements in all administrative areas of our university and welcome suggestions for optimizing administrative processes from their colleagues.

Team Development

For departments and teams that need support in analyzing and improving their work processes or team communication, we conduct workshops and team development activities in consultation with those involved. Since the problem varies from team to team, we adapt the measures individually and also offer support after the measures have been carried out, for example in implementing desired changes.

Further information