Here you will find a list of the most important questions and answers concerning your studies. If you have any unanswered questions about the organization of your studies and about topics such as application, enrollment, re-registration, recognition of achievements, applications, etc., you can contact our Student Administration Office contact.
FAQ study organization
Besides the events in the website calendar, you will find the key dates for each semester in the semester schedule:
- Semesterplan Sommersemester 2025 (PDF, 328.78 KB)
- Semester schedule for the summer semester 2025 (PDF, 805.32 KB)
Besides the events in the website calendar, you will find the key dates for each semester in the semester schedule:
- Semesterplan Wintersemester 2024/25 (PDF, 401.81 KB)
- Semester schedule winter semester 2024-25 (PDF, 355.74 KB)
During the study
The study plan of each study program shows exactly when the theoretical and practical phases take place within the study program.
You will receive a timetable for each semester in good time before lectures begin via the LSF.
To call up the study plan, click on: Events -> Course schedules -> select the course -> enter a value for from and to semester (e.g. 1 to 1 for the first semester) -> now you will get a weekly view and can view the schedule for each week.
The courses start at 08:00 at the earliest and end at 19:15 at the latest. However, there may be days in the schedule when there are no courses. These are intended for self-study.
The registration of an exam is done via MyCampus (LSF). You can register and deregister for compulsory and elective subjects there in the "Exam registration and deregistration" area by selecting a subject from the list. If you do not find a subject in the list, please register it via the QM-Portal, which is also located in this area (direct link is provided in the section "Prüfungsan- und abmeldung").
You can find the exam registration period under Dates.
If you decide not to take an exam after all, you can deregister from it again within the exam registration and deregistration period in MyCampus (LSF) deregister. This is no longer mandatory as of the summer semester 2020; if you do not show up for the first attempt of an exam, you will not suffer any consequences.
Important: Portfolio exams can no longer be deregistered once you have completed a partial performance!
If you are unable to attend one of your registered exams, you may simply make it up in the following semester. No deregistration is necessary and no re-registration at the Student Examination Office is required.
If it is a written submission, an oral or a practical exam, please consult with the corresponding lecturer.
Please note that this regulation does not apply to portfolio examinations!
After the exam period, the grades of your exams will be available in MyCampus (LSF) as soon as the examiner has deposited them there.
If you fail an exam, you will automatically be registered for that exam in the following semester. If you receive a grade of 4.1 or higher, you will be considered to have failed the exam. In case you fail an exam a second time, you are encouraged to have a counseling interview with the study advisor/dean of students and to submit a certificate of this to the Student Examination Office, otherwise your examination entitlement will expire permanently and you will be exmatriculated.
If you have any further questions regarding one of the points, please contact the Student Administration Office, Section Student Examination Office.
Further information on the examination system at RWU can also be found in the Rector's Moodle course on the Introduction to the Examination System at RWU. You will get access as a student after self-enrolling in the course of the Rector's Office with the help of your university account.

To continue your studies, re-register for each new semester before the semester begins during the re-registration period. This will allow you to maintain your student status and remain enrolled for the next semester. You will be informed about the re-registration period every semester by e-mail to your university e-mail address. You can also find the re-registration period at Dates.
You will find the invoice for re-registration in myCampus-the university portal of RWU. Now you transfer the semester fee. Payment for any tuition fees that may be due is also a prerequisite for re-registration. However, the deadlines for payment of tuition fees may differ from the re-registration deadline. You will find the exact details in your fee notice.
You can register directly online via myCampus to re-register. Please note the official re-registration deadline, as a late re-registration will result in a late fee of 14.00 EUR.
General information on how to apply for a semester of leave of absence can be found in the Statutes of Ravensburg-Weingarten University on enrollment, re-registration, leave of absence and exmatriculation. The current version can be found on the Student Administration Office page in the Admissions Office section.
If possible, please submit the complete application for leave of absence before the semester in question and before the start of the lecture period online via myCampus-the university portal of RWU. The required evidence to support the application must be uploaded with the application.
Note: As a rule, a leave of absence in the first semester is not permissible (the only exception to this are the above-mentioned family reasons). In addition, a leave of absence should not exceed two semesters.
Please keep in mind that during a semester of leave you are not allowed to attend any courses or to take any course work or exams (with the exception of the above-mentioned family reasons).
Students may request a semester off for good cause.
Important reasons include:
- family issues (pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave, nursing leave)
- prolonged illness
- stay abroad (semester or internship)
- voluntary internship that serves the study goal
- FSJ, BFD, or similar.
Important: Financial or economic reasons are not recognized!
Some faculties provide information on the internship semester in a separate Moodle course. If you do not find what you are looking for in Moodle, please contact your faculty secretariat or the practical office of your faculty.
On the pages of the International Office you will find information and contacts for studying abroad.
The practical study semester is compulsory in every bachelor's degree program and takes place in one of the study semesters. It comprises a whole semester (half a year) or, in other words, 95 days of attendance. It is completed in an institution or company that relates to your professional field.
You will find all the necessary information on the website of the Student Examination Office in the general study and examination regulations (SPO) under §5 Obligatory practical study semester. Please also check whether additional requirements or guidelines for the practical study semester apply in the examination regulations of your degree program.
On the page of your study program you will also find your contact person at the Praxisamt under "Contact and People".
All students from all degree programs must register with the Student Administration Office, Area Admissions Office if they wish to postpone their internship semester. The Social Work program is an exception. Here, an application for a different course of study must be submitted to the chairperson of the examination board.

At the Senate meeting on March 31, 2022, a pandemic-related extension of the study and examination deadlines was approved without restriction for each of the four Corona semesters. In addition, some significant changes to the general part of the Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) for the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs at RWU were adopted.
Exception: For the bachelor's degree program in Social Work, for training-integrated bachelor's degree programs, and for the part-time master's degree programs, the examination deadlines are extended analogously
If you are already a student at RWU and would like to change your course of study, simply apply in myCampus-the university portal of RWU by the usual deadlines for the new degree program and enclose all application documents including a transcript of grades (uncertified form). Everything else will then be handled internally by the Admissions and Student Examination Office.
If you have any further questions in this regard, please contact the Student Administration Office, Admissions Office section.

If Bachelor's students are at the end of the 10th semester or Master's students are at the end of the 6th or 8th semester, then a request for an extension of study time can be submitted.
There is no form for this, you have to write a letter yourself with reasons. You then hand in the letter directly to the Student Administration Office, section Student Examination Office department. The decision on your application is made by the Central Examination Board (ZPA).
The Public Relations provides various RWU logo designs for download.
Powerpoint templates can be downloaded after logging into the QM portal after registration.
(Documents -> Student Administration Office -> Templates)
The Public Relations provides various RWU logo designs for download.
Powerpoint templates can be downloaded after logging into the QM portal after registration.
(Documents -> Student Administration Office -> Templates)
At the end of the study
A de-registration can have many reasons, in the best case you have completed all required achievements and successfully completed your studies. But also a missing re-registration before the beginning of a new semester, the loss of the right to take exams, the lack of important documents (for example a proof of health insurance), exceeding the semester limit or a change of university can be the reason. In any of these cases, it will result in exmatriculation.
No, you must actively apply for de-registration. You can do this online directly via myCampus. You can find more information, including the required proofs, in your online study service.
You submit the application for de-registration via myCampus-the university portal of RWU.
The exmatriculation date can be chosen as follows:
- Exmatriculation at the end of the semester (summer 31.08., winter 28.02.), which has the advantage that you are enrolled until the end of the semester and are covered by health insurance as a student until then (recommended)
- De-registration with last service; you will be de-registered upon request on the date your last service was rendered and will no longer be covered as a student from then on.
- If you de-register within one month of the start of classes, you may apply for a refund of fees paid. Please note the application deadline for both applications here: The application for de-registration and the application for refund must be submitted within one month after the start of lectures.
When submitting the online application for de-registration, the form for the discharge notes must be uploaded.
- Exmatriculation - discharge notes in the download area of the page of the Student Administration Office
Also, mark on the form whether you would like to have the documents mailed to you or pick them up in person. If you are undecided about your future address, enter your mail address. We will then notify you when the documents are ready. They can still be mailed to you at that time.
Required releases:
- University Library (proof that they do not own any books from there and no borrowing fees are open).
- Technical operations (proof that they do not have a key to the university premises).
Everything else will be completed by the Admissions and Student Examination Office.
If possible, submit the application before the end of the re-registration period .
For all other reasons for de-registration, also submit an application. You may need the exmatriculation certificate to present to the employment office or to enroll at another university.
For all other questions regarding exmatriculation, please contact the Student Administration Office, Admissions Office section.

Yes, cooperative doctorates are possible in various constellations at RWU and are expressly supported. The doctorate is awarded in cooperation with a university or university of education that awards the doctorate. In many cases, RWU is the employer and the workplace is located at the university.
Further information can be found at PhD.
Use our Career Service to create the basis for a successful start to your career while you are still studying. The Career Service is the interface between university and company and offers you professional advice on all aspects of your application.

After your bachelor's or master's degree, would you like to deepen your knowledge or continue your education in other areas?
The Academy for Scientific Continuing Education (AWW) offers, in addition to part-time master's degree programs, various seminars and courses.

You can cash out your remaining balance at the Mensa .