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Student Motorrad

Mobility is not an invention of the modern age. Since ever, advances in technology and the economy have also shaped the way we get around. What will the mobility of the future look like?

The range of courses offered at RWU includes various degree programs in which mobility plays a role and with which you can help shape the mobility of the future: From Mechanical Engineering and Automotive Engineering to Energy Technology and Electromobility.

Ladevorgang eines E-Autos
  • Testimonial Mobilität Härle
    I first worked in the craft sector and am keen to promote them. That's why I'm studying Automotive Engineering PLUS at RWU to become a teacher. I want to give trainees in the automotive trade the best possible start in the working world!

  • Testimonial Mobilität Schärtel
    You can also gain important experience outside of lectures, for example in your own e-mobility lab. With project work or student assistant positions, you can specialize in a topic and lay the foundation for a job or a master's degree. In addition, the region and the proximity to the Lake Constance are a great added value for me and many of the friends I have made here.
  • Testimonial Mobilität Klink
    We don't just want to build racing cars with our ideas and innovations, but actively shape the future of mobility. The RWU offers us the best opportunity for this.

Shape the mobility of the future

Here you can see the degree programs that deal with various aspects of mobility - from Mechanical Engineering to Electromobility to autonomous driving.


Elektromobilität und regenerative Energien (DE)

Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informatik

E-Mobility and Green Energy (EN)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Energy and Environmental Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Automotive Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Automotive Engineering PLUS Teaching Post

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Studierende Mobilität Fahrzeugtechnik

Get a taste

At RWU, you have the opportunity to take a look at selected degree programs without any obligation and without any complications: The online taster program talent scanner also makes an offer in the field of mobility:

Talentscanner Mechanical Engineering

You will get an insight into the study programs Automotive Engineering (PLUS), Energy and Environmental Technology and Mechanical Engineering. In the orientation phase of the online trial study program, you will learn the basics of the technical disciplines that are needed to solve the subsequent practical case studies. You will learn engineering fundamentals of design, materials science and other topics.

Advantages of the talent scanner

  • Flexible and practical insight into the desired course of study: Get to know the typical questions and working techniques.
  • Find out in which fields of activity you could work after graduation.
  • Test your study skills and competencies and get to know fellow students.
  • Complete a certificate.
  • Alternative admission procedure if your numerus clausus is not sufficient.
  • In the Talentscanner Mechanical Engineering 2 credits can be collected for a study at RWU. 2 credits replace a compulsory elective and mean a workload of 50 to 60 hours.
Mobilität Straße
Quelle: KI-generiertes Bild

Career opportunities

The demand for engineers is unbroken, and the earnings opportunities are in the top group. The fields of mobility and energy have one of the lowest unemployment rates. Companies in this sector are modern and offer good working conditions.

Overall, a wide variety of career fields are open to you as an engineer. There are very creative tasks. Especially in the production environment and in the management tasks that are often associated with it, as an engineer you also have a lot to do with people. Possible employers are industrial companies and engineering offices as well as public authorities or associations.

  • As an engineer of electromobility with a focus on renewable energies you develop intelligent and efficient energy systems. You use the latest technologies to technically improve the electric car so that it can be used cheaply, widely, reliably and safely.
  • As an engineer in energy and environmental technology, you work on the development and operation of water or wind turbines, solar cells or battery systems. You analyze air and soil for pollutants and take care of clean drinking water. You trim production processes in the chemical or metal industry to energy efficiency.


A special feature are the so-called PLUS courses. The plus stands for "Plus Lehramt". In addition to technical subjects, these courses also teach didactic skills. The bachelor's degree enables you to enter professional life as an engineer. The subsequent master's degree then qualifies you to teach at vocational schools. This possibility exists in the study program Automotive Engineering PLUS.

Dates for students

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10:00 14:00
Informative meeting

Study information day

Further information