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Press release

Stage victory: graduation

Ausschnitt von zwei Personen in weißen Hemden, wovon eine Person eine lila Zeugnismappe mit dem RWU-Logo in den Händen hält.
Lisann Gauß

Weingarten - Under blue skies, bright sunshine and summer temperatures, the graduates of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Ravensburg-Weingarten University (RWU) came together last Friday, 23 June 2023. A total of 83 students successfully completed their studies in the winter semester 2022/2023 - this was celebrated! Certificates were handed over and outstanding achievements were honoured.

"You are at the beginning of a new chapter."

Professor Dr. Thomas Spägele, Rector of the University, opened the ceremony and congratulated the graduates: "You have worked hard. Today all your efforts are rewarded." Not only do you learn technical knowledge during your studies, but you also learn social skills and how to take on responsibility. For the beginning of the new phase of life, the Rector gave his students three pieces of advice: "Be honest and respectful. Build strong relationships. And: With everything, take time for doing nothing." That way, the start in professional life would be successful.

Professor Dr. Thomas Glogowski, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, also congratulated the graduates of his faculty: "We have walked this path together until here. You have reached a stage victory and learned a lot. But don't stop until you reach your personal goal."

Outstanding achievements recognised

It was not only the certificates that were handed over that evening. Several students were also honoured for their outstanding achievementsThe Steinbeis Transfer Centre Award was given to two RWU students at once: Christoph Dietenberger and Lukas Eichhorn. Both are graduates of the Master's programme in Product Development in Mechanical Engineering and in their Master's theses they jointly designed a printer for metal-additive production. The prize was presented by Benjamin Kröger, Managing Director of the Steinbeis Transfer Centre Materials Corrosion & Corrosion Protection.

Merit Hantke, also a graduate of the Product Development in Mechanical Engineering programme, received the tws Energy Award. She dealt with the iron-salt battery in her master's thesis and "makes an important contribution to sustainable energy", said Simon Scholz, department head of the TWS networks, who was allowed to present the prize.

The third prize of the evening went to Markus Beck, a graduate of the Bachelor's programme in Mechanical Engineering. He received the sponsorship award of the Association of German Engineers (VDI) for "outstanding performance": In his thesis, he dealt with a multi-pressure system for energy-efficient use in electric drive trains. The prize was presented by Dr Thomas Oberländer from the VDI Lake Constance District Association.

The graduation ceremony was musically framed by Paula Schützenberger. After the awarding of the certificates and prizes, all guests gathered for a champagne reception in the foyer of the main building to celebrate the graduates.

Text: Lisann Gauß