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Studierende sitzen in einer Runde an mehreren Tischen und bearbeiten gemeinsam Aufgabenblätter.

Nursing degree program

Cross-border exchange in the care sector

Last December, Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences became an international meeting place for prospective nursing professionals from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The students and trainees came together to discuss the facets and future of the nursing profession.

Professorin Julia Wege und Schauspielerin Anneke Kim Sarnau unterhalten sich an einem Holztisch am Set der Krimireihe "Polizeiruf 110"

Press release

Julia Wege in an interview about her work for the crime film series "Polizeiruf 110"

In 2024, Julia Wege took on the task of providing expert advice on the red-light district during the production of an episode of the crime film series "Polizeiruf 110". In this interview, the RWU professor talks in detail about her work in this context.

Unterzeichnung der Bildungspartnerschaft zwischen dem Ruper-Ness-Gymnasium Wangen und der RWU durch die beiden Rektoren..jpg

Educational partnership

Facilitating the transition from school to university

The Rupert-Neß-Gymnasium in Wangen and the Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences (RWU) have signed a cooperation agreement to provide students with pragmatic guidance.

Grafische Darstellung des Hochschulverbunds "Kilometer 1"

Start-up support in the Lake Constance region

Four universities, one network

University alliance of HTWG Konstanz, University of Konstanz, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University of Applied Sciences and RWU receives funding from the state to further improve the start-up culture.

Markus Pfeil und Monika Schröttle halten einen Vortrag bezüglich des neuen Zentrums für Nachhaltigkeit

Center for Sustainability and Resilience

First event of the Center for Sustainability and Resilience

The first event of the newly founded Center for Sustainability and Resilience at RWU took place on 18.12.2024 under the title "Think globally - act locally".

Bild von Sarina Gisa und Simon Neitzel von wirundjetzt e.V.

Press release

"Think globally - act locally"

Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences invites you to an evening event on 18.12.2024 on the topic of sustainability.

RWU Studieninformationstag 2024

Study Information Day 2024

Get to know RWU personally

Hundreds of pupils came to the RWU campus on Study Information Day to find out about the university's study programs and meet the people involved in person.

Gruppenbild bei der Ausstellungseröffnung „Á la française“.

Staff Week

An international week lies behind the RWU

From November 18 to 22, RWU invited representatives of its international partner universities to a Staff Training Week. Guests from Ireland, Poland, France, Italy and Thailand came to Weingarten.

Absolvent*innen und Familien hören dem musikalischen Beitrag der Absolventenfeier der Fakultät S zu.

Press release

Faculty S bids farewell to its graduates

A total of 112 people graduated from the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing with a Bachelor's or Master's degree in the summer semester.

Josefine Denzin sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt. Zudem ist das Logo "Neue Profs" zu sehen


NEW PROFS: Episode 2 with Professor Dr. Josefine Denzin

In our interview format "NEUE PROFS", we introduce you to the new professors at RWU. In addition to information about their careers, you will also learn a lot about their academic expertise, their teaching approach and a few personal details.

RWU Karrieretage 2024

RWU Career Days 2024

A look into the professional future

This year, the Career Days took place at RWU from November 11 to 13. Almost 130 companies from the region were on hand to answer questions from interested students about their career opportunities.

Andreas Lange, sitzend, vor weißer Wand

Press release

Singularized? Polarized? What kind of society do we actually live in?

In the Wednesday seminar on December 11 at RWU, Professor Dr. Andreas Lange will address the question of the direction in which our society is developing.