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When financing your studies abroad, there are the following aspects that you must pay attention to.

Proof of financial means

If you require a visa to enter Germany or are already in the country with a residence permit, you will need proof of financial means. This must also be submitted every year for the subsequent residence permit.

The proof of financial means serves to demonstrate that every international student can cover their living costs. You must therefore provide proof of EUR 992 for each month and EUR 11,904 for a whole year. This money must actually be available to you and usually be blocked in a German bank account.

Please contact the German diplomatic mission in your home country to find out exactly which documents you need to apply for your visa. If you are already in Germany, you will definitely need a blocked account for your studies in Weingarten. Further information on blocked accounts can be obtained from the International Office.


Tuition fees for non-EU foreigners

All students who do not come from the EU pay tuition fees of 1,500 euros for each semester. This is not included in the EUR 11,904. Further information can be found on the RWU website under Studying > Finances .


Semester fee

In addition, all students, regardless of nationality, must pay an administration fee each semester. This is 204 euros in the first semester and 195 euros from the second semester onwards.



RWU does not award scholarships directly, but there are many different providers of scholarships.

In general, you can check the DAAD scholarship database at or at

DAAD STIBET graduation grant for foreign students

Foreign students at Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences can receive graduation grants from the Federal Foreign Office (AA). Find out about this with the help of the information document and then fill out the corresponding application form .

It is obligatory to obtain a recommendation from a university professor.



The DAAD Prize for International Students and the International Student Award of Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences are two prizes with an international focus that will be awarded at our university in 2020.

The two prizes differ in many respects, but above all in their objectives and target group. Therefore, please take a look at the requirements in the information sheet carefully before deciding which of the prizes to apply for. Students who meet the criteria for both prizes can apply for both prizes.

There is a joint application form which you should complete. Please refer to the information sheet for the deadlines.


Working during your studies

Students from EU countries may work part-time without restriction, students from non-EU countries may work a maximum of 140 full or 280 half days per calendar year with the exception of student jobs, the internship semester and the final thesis in a company.
