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Study offer

English Lectures offered in the Summer Semester - Preliminary

An overview of all courses in English can be found in the download area at the bottom of this page.


English courses offered in the winter semester

An overview of all courses in English can be found in the download area at the end of this page.


International Academy

The International Academy was founded more than ten years ago by the Faculty of Technology and Management. It offers students from all faculties the opportunity to take part in a one- or two-semester interdisciplinary study program or to attend individual courses. There are courses dealing with theoretical basics as well as courses on practical approaches to various topics, taught by German and international academics as well as industry experts.

The target group is primarily students of business administration and industrial engineering. However, the courses are also suitable as electives for prospective engineers interested in business topics, as no specific technical knowledge is required. The conception of the International Academy allows a very flexible use:

Students can

  • take both semesters and start in the summer or winter semester
  • take only one of the two semesters
  • select individual courses of the International Academy and combine them with other lectures, if necessary.

Please refer to the attached brochure for further information including the current course offerings.


German courses

The courses "German as a Foreign Language" (DAF) are offered at different levels. These levels correspond to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

The CEFR, which was developed at the suggestion of the Council of Europe, aims to achieve greater uniformity and transparency for foreign language learning. This serves to facilitate the mutual recognition of language certificates and to promote cooperation between educational institutions in different countries. Both the DAAD and the Goethe Institute work on this basis.

The CEFR defines levels that establish language proficiency in the areas of communicative competence, active and receptive skills, and language competence for specific purposes. These levels and their equivalents in German language exams range from A1 for beginners to C2 for the highest linguistic level.

DAF offerings at Ravensburg-Weingarten University include intensive courses before the start of lectures and courses during the lecture period.


1. intensive courses before the start of lectures

Summer semester: 1 week à 5 days with 9 teaching units (UE*) per day, in total 45 UE. As a rule, courses are held at levels A1, A2, B1 and B2.

Winter semester: 2 weeks à 5 days with 4.5 units per day, in total 45 units. As a rule, courses are held at the levels A1, A2, B1 and B2.

2. Continuation of the intensive courses during the lecture period

These courses are a continuation of the previous intensive courses. (At the beginning of the lecture period, no new course for pure beginners is offered!) The German courses are concluded with an examination (written exam for levels A1 - B2 or presentation for levels C1 - C2). Admission to the examination requires at least 80% attendance in class, for the compulsory courses even 100%. The number of ECTS awarded after passing the exam varies depending on the course. International exchange students receive 4 ECTS after passing the exam,

At levels A1, A2, B1 and B2 there are 4 ECTS per week. At the C1 and C2 levels, only 2 units are taught per week, so students receive only 2 ECTS after passing the exam.

All courses can only be offered if a sufficient number of students have registered for them.

* 1 UE = 45 minutes

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  • English Lectures SS_25 (PDF, 2.71 MB)
    List of English lectures in the summer semester (serves also as basis for the summer semester 2025)
  • List of English lectures in the winter semester (pls use as basis for your planning for the winter semester 2025/ 26)
  • Description of International Academy and overview of the lectures offered

Further information