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Learning opportunities

Studentin lernt am Laptop
CoWorking PLUS
Dieses Bild zeigt den Zusammenhalt im Studienstart.

CoWorking PLUS

Thursdays, from 13:15 to 16:00
In the Didactics Center (Building K)

In our CoWorking PLUS offers, you will receive valuable impulses on tools, modern working and studying, scientific work and STEM in just 45 minutes. Afterwards, you can put your new ideas and insights directly into practice in the learning café.

CoWorking PLUS offers

13:15 14:00

CoWorking PLUS: Sketchnotes oder Flipcharts - Basic Tipps und Tricks für wirklich jeden

Jochen Weißenrieder
K 002 LearningLab
Gebäude K
13:15 14:00

CoWorking PLUS: Einstieg in Mahara

Jochen Weißenrieder
K 002 LearningLab
Gebäude K
13:15 14:00

CoWorking PLUS: Zaubern mit PowerPoint

Jochen Weißenrieder
K 002 LearningLab
Gebäude K
13:15 14:00

CoWorking PLUS: Schneller lesen

Martin Preußentanz
K 002 LearningLab
Gebäude K
13:15 14:00

CoWorking PLUS: Mit WORD eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit schreiben

Jochen Weißenrieder
Der Raum wird vor Ort bekanntgegeben.
Gebäude K
13:15 14:00

CoWorking PLUS: Verständliches Schreiben

Martin Preußentanz
K 002 LearningLab
Gebäude K
13:15 14:00

CoWorking PLUS: Excel Basics

Jochen Weißenrieder
K 002 LearningLab
Gebäude K
13:15 14:00

CoWorking PLUS: Poster erstellen mit PowerPoint

Jochen Weißenrieder
K 002 LearningLab
Gebäude K
13:15 14:00

CoWorking PLUS: Lernen mit KI

Jochen Weißenrieder
K 002 LearningLab
Gebäude K
13:15 14:00

CoWorking PLUS: Lerntechniken

Martin Preußentanz
K 002 LearningLab
Gebäude K
13:15 14:00

CoWorking PLUS: Hausarbeit mit Word/Office formatieren

Jochen Weißenrieder
K 002 LearningLab
Gebäude K
Student schreibt in ein Heft

Individual writing advice

Individual appointments by appointment

Lerncafé in the DidaktikZentrum (Building K)

Registration at:
Martin Preußentanz


I am happy to support you in the preparation of term papers and other written work: from finding a topic to structuring the writing project and planning your daily work routine.

Please let me know if you are interested in a writing consultation by e-mail. For better preparation, please send me your topic or questions in advance. This way I can prepare well for your appointment.

Weekly appointments
Bild von Martin Preußentanz

Didactics & e-learning workshop

Tuesdays, from 13:00 to 15:00
K 002 LearningLab in the Didactics Center (Building K)

Consultation also possible via Moodle.
Further information in the course Hochschuldidaktik*LIVE* in Moodle.


Especially at the beginning of your studies, the abundance of necessary tools such as Moodle, BBB & Co. can seem a bit overwhelming or the submission of an important task via the respective online portal simply does not want to work. You are welcome to visit the e-learning workshop if you have these or similar problems.

We are also happy to help you with your learning and show you, for example, how you can use certain techniques and media to increase your learning success and get a better grip on learning in general.

Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik

Large math workshop

Wednesdays, from 14:00 to 16:00
K 104 Study room in the Didactics Center (Building K)


In our math workshop, students can work on math topics and tasks alone or in groups. Experts are available to answer questions about mathematics or math-related subjects (e.g. physics, computer science, electrical engineering). You will also receive brief impulses on exciting STEM topics and tools: from MatLab and LaTeX to the difference between power and voltage for laypeople.

Further information

Learning locations

Learning spaces AT RWU

Do you sometimes wonder where you can study in peace and quiet or develop ideas together with others? There are rooms at the university and in the university library that are ideal for learning and working. Whether alone or in a group, there is a suitable learning space for every need.

Lerncafé im Erdgeschoss des DidaktikZentrums

Learning café in the Didactics Center

The Learning Café in the Didactics Center in Building K offers you exactly this opportunity. Here you can develop and give free rein to your creativity. The Lerncafé is an open offer and a meeting place for all RWU students.

And the best thing about it: 
If the adjoining classrooms are not needed for events, the Lerncafé is regularly extended by these capacities. This means even more space for your projects and plans.


The DidacticsCenter is open to everyone from 10:00 to 19:00.

Tea and coffee are also available at certain times. You can find the times on the DidaktikZentrum website and are also posted on site.

Further learning locations

Building A

  • Lounge on the ground floor
  • Corridors on the 1st and 2nd floor: seating niches with power and USB connection


Building H

  • Seating areas and tables on the ground floor
  • Two tables in the basement


Building K

  • Learning café on the ground floor
  • Learning Lab (K 002): can be booked for student learning and working groups
  • Co-working space (K 104): Seminar room for special seminars, math workshop and study spaces


Building L

Tables in the corridor on the upper floor



During the examination period


Building NZ

Cafeteria on the ground floor, corridor on the 1st floor



Quiet workstations


StudiumDigitale Logo

Expand your skills with our MicroCredentials

Gain more skills in the shortest possible time - the smart solution for study-related learning!


Our studyDigital MicroCredentials offer an innovative way to expand your skills in a short space of time. This allows you to continue your education alongside your studies.

With a variety of specialist and interdisciplinary courses offered online via Moodle or in blended learning , you can build up valuable knowledge in a flexible and practical way. Whether you want to deepen your knowledge in a specific subject area or acquire new skills, our StudiumDigitale offers a wide range of courses. From MatLab and Python Basics to Mahara Masters and Film(ing) Masters, there is something for everyone. Of course, you will be supported throughout the entire learning process so that you can get in touch with the relevant contact person for the respective MicroCredential at any time if you have any questions.

Your advantages

  • Flexible
  • Efficient
  • Acquisition of specific knowledge
  • Practice-oriented
  • Entertaining

You also receive a recognized certificate after completing a MicroCredential.

Further information

Contact & People

Support services for university didactics

E-learning officer, resident of the DidaktikZentrum as well as consultant for university didactics & project coordination.
Continuing Education and Support.