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Application and admission

Students from our partner universities are welcome to spend one or two semesters at RWU. As an exchange student, you can attend lectures, do projects or both -  if we find a suitable professor as a supervisor, you can also do a project or thesis with us.

How To apply?

  1. Nomination by the home university ⟹ Link to the applicant portal will be sent via e-mail to students (from the home university or RWU Incoming Coordinator).
  2. Application in the application portal Mobility Online including upload of all required documents until the application deadline.

Which documents are required?

  1. Biometric photograph
  2. Copy of passport/identity card and, if applicable, visa or residence permit
  3. Signed application form (provided for download in Mobility Online)
  4. Language certificate for German and/ or English
  5. Curriculum vitae (required for project only)
  6. Transcript of Records (overview/ proof of courses taken so far at the home university)
  7. Learning Agreement (as .pdf or via the Dashboard (OLA))

If you are interested in a room in the dormitories of the Studentenwerk Weiße Rose in Briachstr. 10 and Briachstr. 2, please mark it accordingly in the application form.

Application deadlines

- April 30 for the winter semester

- October 31 for the summer semester

All application documents have to be completed by the respective deadlines. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Wildenhain (


There are a limited number of rooms available for international exchange students in the student dormitories of Weiße Rose in Briachstraße in Weingarten. You can virtually "sign up" for this as part of your application as an exchange student. The contract for the room will then be made directly between the student and the dormitory.

In the download area at the bottom of this page you will find information sheets for the dormitories Briachstr. 2 and Briachstr. 10.


Barbara Wildenhain,, Coordinator for Incoming Student Mobility, Staff and Faculty Mobility
