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Leisure and sports activities

Bodensee Alpen Segeln
Culture and leisure
Basilika Weingarten unterm blauen Himmel

University city Weingarten

Weingarten has been an official university town since 2021 with over 7,000 young people studying at the two universities RWU and PH. In the neighboring town of Ravensburg, there are around 2,200 more students at the DHBW. Accordingly, there is a lot on offer. Whether music and theater, cinema and culture or sports - the leisure activities are colorful and rich.

Feiernde Menge bei einem Konzert

Music and theater

Students who say "Last Call for Culture" at the box office of municipal events in Ravensburg and Weingarten and show their student ID will receive remaining tickets for only 3 euros.

Here are the participating events:

Cultural Events Ravensburg

Cultural Events Weingarten

Every year at the open-air swimming pool in Weingarten the Umsonst & Draußen music festival takes place. And the best part: As the name suggests, admission is free.

Nachtleben Party DJ


Recommendable are the student pubs Hoki and Alibiwhere, in addition to the pub, regular events take place. Drinks are available at student prices.

Furthermore, there are regular student parties (for example XXL-Party, Mensa-Party, Physikerfest, Letzte Tanke and many others). Dates can be found on our website at News and Dates or on the pages of the student councils.


Kino Linse Weingarten


Students of RWU and PH Weingarten organize the Campus Cinema MoKi. The film screenings take place in lecture hall NZ 042 in the Natural Science Center. Admission costs 2 euros, including a drink. Snacks and popcorn at student prices. Click here for the current program of the Moki.

There are many locations for film lovers in the region. The program cinema of the Cultural Center Linse also shows films outside the mainstream.


Places to be

Venues in the region

These are the places where there is always something going on:

Court Theater Baienfurt

Capuchin Creative Center Ravensburg

New Ravensburg Art Association

Tithe house Ravensburg

...and what else?

The Independent Students' Committee (USTA), a non-profit association with student members from all faculties of the University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten, offers the possibility to borrow a minibus . Every student, every association can borrow the bus for a small self-service fee. To Borrowing.

Throwing things away was yesterday. At the Repair Café Ravensburg, repairs are done every 3rd Saturday of the month. From kitchen machines to bicycles and computers. More info under: Repair Café Ravensburg.

Volunteering makes you happy. At least that's what the Danes say. You can find out how and where you can become active in the Volunteer Exchange of the city of Weingarten.

Where can I get involved? Current places are available at the Volunteer Exchange Ravensburg listed.

Food that is still good but would actually end up in the trash is saved by the initiative Foodsharing Ravensburg-Weingarten.


You are going away for the weekend or the semester break, have your fridge full of food and want to share it with others? Or you are short of money? At the FairTeiler you can drop off food and take rescued food with you for free.

It's worth stopping by because the distributors are regularly filled with rescued food. One FairTeiler is located in Weingarten, another in Ravensburg. Click here for the locations and filling times: FairTeiler Foodsharing Ravensburg.

You can find out how to get from A to B in a climate-friendly way under Mobility and housing.

(University) Sport

University sports

The university sports program takes place together with the PH Weingarten and is organized by the PH. On the PH sports grounds with indoor swimming pool, gymnasium, gymnastics hall, tennis courts and stadium behind the RWU main building, in the so-called Töbele, the general university sports take place from Monday - Thursday, 6:00 pm - 10:30 pm.

The offers range from A for aerobics to soccer, karate, swimming and V for volleyball. The exercise instructors are students themselves and about 40% of the students at the two universities take advantage of the free offer. The university sports start about 2 weeks after the RWU lectures begin, because the PH always starts later than the RWU with the lectures.

All information and current courses can be found on the PH website of the department Sports.

Sports facilities in the region

Swimming pools

Ravensburg: Indoor swimming pool, Swimming lake Flappach

Weingarten: indoor swimming pool , outdoor swimming pool Nessenreben

Ice rink

Ice rink Ravensburg

Cycling and biking

Flowtrail Weingarten

Sports clubs

Ravensburg: Sports clubs

Weingarten: Clubs

Outdoor Alpen Ski fahren Bodensee Freizeit

Bodensee und Alpen

Rund 25 Minuten Zugfahrt von Weingarten entfernt, liegt der Bodensee. In den wärmeren Monaten ideal zum Schwimmen, Windsurfen und Segeln, oder einfach ein Lagerfeuer machen. Der Akademische Segelclub der RWU hat hier seine Flotte geparkt. Rund um den See führt auf ca. 260 Kilometern der Bodensee-Radweg rund um den See, durch die Schweiz und Österreich. 

Die nahegelegenen Alpen, das höchste Gebirge Mittel- und Südeuropas, sind ein Eldorado für Bergsportlerinnen und -sportler. Hier warten schöne Wanderwege, atemberaubende Aussichten und schneeweiße Skipisten auf euch. Ideal für einen Tagesausflug oder Wochenendtrip.

Schwimmen Pool Bäder

Sportangebote in der Region


Ravensburg: Hallenbad, Badesee Flappach

Weingarten: Hallenbad, Freibad Nessenreben


Eishalle Ravensburg

Radfahren und Biken

Flowtrail Weingarten


Ravensburg: Sportvereine

Weingarten: Vereine