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Press release

On the way to your dream job as a professor?

Prof. Dr. Theresa Breckle in workshop
At Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Theresa Breckle teaches in the field of production engineering.
Christoph Oldenkotte (RWU)

Weingarten - The mentoring and qualification program "Dream job Professor Plus" was launched in 2024 as part of a joint project between the Universities of Applied Sciences (HAW) and the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW). RWU is also involved in the project and is providing a mentor for the first round, Professor Dr. Theresa Breckle.

The one-year program is aimed at women with a doctorate or post-doctorate who can imagine entering university teaching. Over a funding period of five years, 250 tandems are to be formed. "I immediately agreed to take part. It's a great help for women who can imagine becoming a professor but are unfamiliar with university operation," says Theresa Breckle.

A strong network for the future of higher education

Mentors who already hold a professorship are needed to ensure practical relevance and thus deeper insights into potential work at the university. This is because the greatest benefit of the program comes from the intensive exchange and the resulting network with university lecturers and other mentees.

An initial meeting took place for all participants before the start of the program. To this end, both the mentors and the mentees draw up profiles in advance. These are used to match them with each other. "It was obvious in our case," says Theresa Breckle about her tandem partner, "there are so many overlaps, the studies, the doctorate, the work." Theresa Breckle's mentee has also completed a doctorate in mechanical engineering and is currently working for a company in this sector. This results in shared interests, which lead to a lively exchange between the two women, both online and on-site at the university.

Mentoring program for women combines theory and practice

In addition to the appointments with their mentors, the participants take part in theoretical and practical seminars that prepare them for their work as professors. Each mentee is allowed to attend a total of four events, which take place in person or online. The office of the joint project in Karlsruhe offers one- to two-day seminars to impart knowledge and methods. The topics to be selected include university didactics, AI in research and teaching or training for the appeal procedure. All seminars are concluded with a certificate.

Theresa Breckle's tandem partner explained during a visit to RWU that the program is excellently structured in terms of theoretical teaching and, above all, practical application. Thanks to her one-semester teaching assignment, she was able to apply the knowledge gained from the exchange with her mentor and from the seminars in her own teaching. "Regardless of the mentee's final decision about a possible professorship, this program is an enrichment for both sides," Theresa Breckle confirms.

Further information:
RWU Gender Equality

Text: Kathrin Wöhrle


At Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Theresa Breckle teaches in the field of production engineering.