
Since the introduction of the first computer, our world has changed fundamentally. Whether medicine or mechanical engineering, mobility or media, no area remains untouched by the digital revolution. What opportunities does digitization offer us for our future?
The range of studies in the field of digitization at RWU includes not only traditional courses such as Computer Science , but also those with a business, technical or educational focus.

Shaping the digital transformation
Do you want to be part of the digital transformation and use your skills to help shape the digital future? Here you can find the study programs at RWU that offer you exactly these opportunities!

Applied Computer Science

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EN)

Elektromobilität und regenerative Energien (DE)

Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (DE)

E-Mobility and Green Energy (EN)

Computer Science/Electrical Engineering PLUS Teaching Post

Internet and Online-Marketing

Mechanical Engineering / International Project Engineering (international variant)

Media Design

Physical Engineering (DE)

Physical Engineering (EN)

Business informatics

Business Informatics PLUS Teaching Post

Industrial Engineering (Technology Management)

Get a taste
Online consulting
The study programs Computer Science and Electromobility offer regular online advising. Do you have questions about your studies? You just want to hear first-hand what it's like and what you do every day? Or do you want to know what you can do later with your studies? Then you've come to the right place. You can find the exact dates and the links to the video rooms on the study program pages.
Talent scanner physical engineering
At RWU you have the opportunity to take a look at selected courses of study without any obligation and without any complications: The online trial study program Talentscanner you will get an insight into the study program Physical Engineering (DE / EN). Optics, sensor technology and everything to do with physics as well as the development of new technical objects - these are the components of the trial study. In the in-depth phase, students then work on an innovation and present it to a fictitious investor at the end. Young tinkerers are given room for ideas and are accompanied in their implementation.
Advantages of the talent scanner
- Flexible and practical insight into the desired course of study: Get to know the typical questions and working techniques.
- Find out in which fields of activity you could work after graduation.
- Test your study skills and competencies and get to know fellow students.
- Complete a certificate.
- Alternative admission procedure if your numerus clausus is not sufficient.

Career opportunities
Digitization is the future and we are already encountering it everywhere - in our private lives and in our everyday working lives. It has greatly changed the way we live, work, communicate with each other and much more. Digitalization is already affecting numerous areas of activity, even entire professions. The digital and technological transformation is in full swing.
The industry is one of the most promising for the future; nothing seems to work anymore without digital processes. The job descriptions range from
- computer scientists,
- programmers,
- to software/hardware developers
- to engineers.
Fields of work for example are
- communication and automation technology,
- mechanical and plant engineering,
- aerospace technology,
- electrical and information technology,
- electromobility and medical technology.
Furthermore, there are also opportunities to work in creative professions, or in marketing and social media:
- game design, app development, 3D and film industries.
- marketing/social media manager, content creator, online editor.
Another special feature are the so-called PLUS courses. The plus stands for "Plus Lehramt". In addition to technical subjects, these courses also teach didactic skills. The bachelor's degree enables you to enter professional life as an engineer. The subsequent master's degree qualifies you to teach at vocational schools. This program is offered at RWU in the following study programs Computer Science/Electrical Engineering PLUS and Business Information Systems PLUS.