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Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing

Studierende bei Gruppenarbeit.

Teaching and research are oriented towards changing social realities and the resulting complex practical requirements. The high topicality is guaranteed by regional, national, international and interdisciplinary work.

Student der Sozialen Arbeit.

The Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing is one of the founding faculties of Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences. The range of studies includes four bachelor's and three master's degree programs. The bachelor's degree programs qualify students for careers in applied psychology, health economics, nursing and social work. The master's programs focus on the professional fields of applied health science, participation, and management in social and health care.

Our mission statement

The Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing is characterized by diverse teaching and learning opportunities as well as research activities. Teaching and research are oriented towards changing social realities and the resulting complex practical requirements.

The high topicality in teaching and research is guaranteed by regional, national, international and interdisciplinary work. The further professionalization of the social, nursing and health sciences taught here is promoted. The principle of interdisciplinary teaching, learning and research is a critical examination of social realities.

This enables students to assume responsibility and to deal reflectively with social and health inequalities, in which ethical principles, in particular human rights, as well as socio-political positioning play a supporting role as criteria guiding action.

Graduates help shape a more just, humane, healthier, and livable society. They are academically qualified and positioned to assume responsible and socially influential positions in social and health care.

As part of the program, the faculty actively supports students in forming their professional identity, strategic networking, and developing their design skills. To this end, special emphasis is placed on a broad scientific foundation in the course of study.

The location of Weingarten offers a high quality of life and an attractive job market, with which the Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences is sustainably networked. The work follows the maxim of cross-status personal cooperation and individual support.

Teaching and research of the faculty are based on ethical principles as well as on the future challenges of the social and health care system. On the basis of a humanistic image of man, the striving for solidarity, justice and self-responsibility is conveyed. Democracy, esteem, trust and fairness enrich the togetherness. The faculty combines performance orientation with conscious support for students in special circumstances. The success of our students is a high priority for our actions.

In the face of diverse life situations, good teaching and learning means comprehensive competence development, which includes not only subject content but also personality development. To this end, the faculty draws on a wide range of methods that are guided by the principles of participation, curiosity, sustainability and reflexivity.

Current scientific, practical, social and international developments are incorporated into the teaching. Teaching quality is created in the co-production process between committed teachers and motivated learners. In this process, great emphasis is placed on meaningful and helpful reciprocal feedback.


All events

Further information




Applied Psychology

Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing

Health Economics

Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing


Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing

Social Work

Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing



Applied Health Science

Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing

Social and Health Care Management

Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing

Social Work and Participation

Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing



News of this faculty

Press release

Julia Wege in an interview about her work for the crime film series "Polizeiruf 110"

In 2024, Julia Wege took on the task of providing expert advice on the red-light district during the production of an episode of the crime film series "Polizeiruf 110". In this interview, the RWU professor talks in detail about her work in this context.

Nursing degree program

Prevention and access to health information

Silke Roemer-Scheerer - a student in the 7th semester of the Bachelor's degree in Nursing at RWU - founded her start-up with her husband Markus Roemer this year. They want to use the website to make it easier for users to access reputable and reliable health websites.

Center for Sustainability and Resilience

First event of the Center for Sustainability and Resilience

The first event of the newly founded Center for Sustainability and Resilience at RWU took place on 18.12.2024 under the title "Think globally - act locally".

Press release

"Think globally - act locally"

Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences invites you to an evening event on 18.12.2024 on the topic of sustainability.

Press release

Faculty S bids farewell to its graduates

A total of 112 people graduated from the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing with a Bachelor's or Master's degree in the summer semester.

Press release

Singularized? Polarized? What kind of society do we actually live in?

In the Wednesday seminar on December 11 at RWU, Professor Dr. Andreas Lange will address the question of the direction in which our society is developing.

Press release

Cooperation between the generations - focus on Generation Z

In the Wednesday seminar on October 16, Professor Dr. Jörg Wendorff and Kenny Nißel will address the question of how the different generations can work better together.

Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing

New dean's office for the winter semester

Anja Klimsa and Annika Valentin take over the management of the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing in the winter semester

Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing

78 students celebrate their graduation

The Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing has honored and given farewell to its graduates. 78 students received their degree certificates.

Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing

Security and Safety at parties - RWU students on the Erasmus program in Portugal

In view of the happenings at student parties, Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences (RWU) has taken measures to improve the security and safety of its students.

Early Night Social Talk

How are psyche and climate change connected?

In the "Early Night Social Talk", Dr. Hans Knoblauch and Monika Stöhr from the Zentrum für Psychiatrie Südwürttemberg talked about the connection between climate change and the human psyche.

Press release

Labor research in social services and health care

Funding commitment: RWU is part of the "Competence Center for Innovative and Healthy Work in the Social and Healthcare Sector in the Alb-Bodensee-Iller Region".

Early Night Social Talk & Podcast

The School of Social Work, Health and Nursing presents:

Early Night Social Talk
Fakultät Soziales präsentiert: Early Night Social Talk
Quelle: RWU


Diverse discussions, exciting lectures and events within the framework of the lecture series "Early Night Social Talk" invite you to get into conversation together, to get to know professors and speakers and, of course, to engage with the topics presented.

Not only students and university employees are welcome - we are looking forward to all interested people who would like to participate in our "Early Night Social Talks"!

We would like to invite you to our next event on the topic:

"Students with disabilities on the WAY to becoming professionals".

on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in room A316/317 (building "A" of the Welfencampus, Leibnizstr. 10, 88250 Weingarten).

An evening of lectures with Prof. Dr. Monika Schröttle and Prof. Dr. Silvia Queri with guests from best practice projects.

According to recent surveys (Deutsches Studentenwerk, Berlin), 11% of students in Germany have impairments that make studying difficult, most frequently psychological (53%) and chronic-somatic (20%), but also mobility impairments (4%) and sensory and speech impairments (3%). The majority of impairments are not perceptible from the outside (67%).

The university system, as well as the various professional fields for specialists, are required to create suitable framework conditions for equal opportunities and inclusion. This can be achieved on the one hand through the committed efforts of managers, and on the other hand through the creation of inclusive universities and working environments as well as networking and empowering peer work.

Monika Schröttle, in her function as the representative for the interests of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses at RWU, will introduce the topic with regard to the legal framework and requirements for inclusive universities. Afterwards, three examples of good practice will be presented: the DoBuS project for students with disabilities at TU Dortmund University (Dr. Carsten Bender), the RWU peer mentoring program to help people from the autistic spectrum through their studies (Silvia Queri), and the iXNet project to support and network academics with disabilities (Hafid Abdul Sarkissian and Dr. Tatjana Schweizer, Federal Employment Agency).

Finally, we would like to talk to our guests and listeners and answer questions from the audience. We are looking forward to the interest of students, scientists, citizens and employers with and without disabilities.


Dr. Tatjana Schweizer and Hafid Abdul Sarkissian, iXNet Inklusives Expert*innen-Netzwerk der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, report on: Career planning, networking, counseling of and for academics with disabilities.

Dr. Carsten Bender, DoBuS, Technische Universität Dortmund, will show how equal opportunities can be created for students with disabilities.

The event will take place online and in person.

The following link will take you to the online broadcast of the event: https: //



Past events:

"Shaping the future together - in conversation with Generation Z", Prof. Dr. Jörg Wendorff, Charlie Kiehne and Kenny Nißel.

"Why family cannot be taken for granted today - and why we are sliding into a reproductive crisis," Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange

"Enough is enough!!! How many hospitals do we really need?", Prof. Dr. Jan-Marc Hodek, Prof. Dr. Maik Winter

"Crime in Transition and Why TV Commissioners Would Fail.", Prof. Dr. Julia Wege, Andreas Stenger, Uwe Stürmer

Soziologiepodcast von Andreas Lange
Quelle: RWU

Soziologie-Podcasts aus Weingarten von und mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange

An den allgemeinen Sozialwissenschaften interessierte Hörer*innen können sich freuen: Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange (Professor für Soziologie an der RWU - Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten) veröffentlicht seine Podcastreihe "SOTALKI".

Die Podcasts sind hierbei besonders interessant für Studierende der Sozialen Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege: In den einzelnen Episoden wird Andreas Lange Forschungsarbeiten, Bücher und vieles andere mehr in ihre Kerninhalte aufschließen und in einen größeren Zusammenhang stellen. 

Dabei geht es stets um soziale Ungleichheit und die Frage, in welcher Gesellschaft wir eigentlich leben! Interviews mit Studierenden und Mitarbeitenden runden das Format ab. 

"Ich freue mich sehr, diesen Podcast starten zu können und die Gelegenheit zu haben, meine Forschungsergebnisse und Gedanken zu teilen. vielleicht kann "SOTALKI" dazu beitragen, wichtige Themen zu diskutieren und ein breiteres Verständnis für die Herausforderungen zu schaffen, mit denen wir als Gesellschaft konfrontiert sind", so Herr Lange. 

In der ersten Episode geht es um Zeitdiagnostik und wie wir alle kleine Könige und Königinnen sein werden. Oder doch nicht...?

Und in der zweiten Episode widmet sich Andreas Lange den Themen Freundschaft und Einsamkeit, Größe und Sammelleidenschaft, sowie Familienglück und mit den, wie so oft,  zu viel arbeitenden Müttern.

Im Weihnachtsspecial nimmt Andreas Lange drei soziologische Facetten des Weihnachtsfests ins Visier: Schenken, Beleuchten und Familien. 

Zu Beginn des Jahres 2024 beschäftigt sich Andreas Lange dann mit den Arbeitsbedingungen in der KI und mit Tendenzen Vereinnahmung von Familie durch andere gesellschaftliche Systeme und den Staat. 

Was ist ein glückliches Leben? Welche Theorien und Befunde gibt es und was hat das mit dem Studiengang Soziale Arbeit an der RWU zu tun? Das ist das Thema des neuen Podcasts von Andreas Lange. 

Die Folgen sind verfügbar unter: und natürlich auch auf weiteren Plattformen wie Spotify, Apple Podcasts und Google Podcasts. 

Image galleries

Photo galleries of this faculty

Contact & People

General contact details

Opening hours Monday - Friday from 9:00-11:45 a.m.
Room A 121
On campus
Building A
Leibnizstr. 10
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Dean's Office

Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing
Contact person for sexual harassment, safety officer, senator and member of the QM working group
Communication, counseling, media education, school social work
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Care, Social Work with Children/Young People, Diversity, Gender, Sex Education and Sexuality Education
Methods of social work
Dean of Studies in the Dean's Office for Social Work, Health and Care


Verwaltungsangestellte & Fakultätsrat: Fakultät Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege
Dekanatssekretariat der Fakultät S, Koordination und Praxisamt für den Studiengang Angewandte Psychologie


Social economy and social policy
Dean of Studies Applied Health Science (Master)
Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing
Contact person for sexual harassment, safety officer, senator and member of the QM working group
Communication, counseling, media education, school social work
Clinical social work and psychosocial counseling
Stiftungsprofessur für Theorie und Praxis der klinischen Pflege, gefördert von ZfP Südwürttemberg, ADK GmbH für Gesundheit und Soziales, Klinikum Friedrichshafen GmbH, Oberschwabenklinik GmbH, Waldburg-Zeil Kliniken GmbH & Co. KG und dem Stifterverband
Klinische & Gesundheitspsychologie, Quantitative Methoden, Beratungs-, Entwicklungs-, Neuropsychologie
Studiendekanin Angewandte Psychologie (Bachelor) & Mitglied des Hochschulrates
Professorin für Allgemeine Psychologie
Soziale Arbeit und Teilhabe
Studiendekanin und Beauftragte für die Belange von Studierenden mit Behinderungen oder chronischen Erkrankungen
Individuelle Unterschiede und Persönlichkeitspsychologie, Diagnostik, Klinische Psychologie
Social work science
Dean of Studies, Student Advisory Service, Complaints Office for the General Equal Opportunities Act law
Professorin für Allgemeine Psychologie und Sozialpsychologie
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Care, Social Work with Children/Young People, Diversity, Gender, Sex Education and Sexuality Education
Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing
Fundamentals and methods of social work, community work, person-centered conversation, aesthetics in social work, social work practice management (Bachelor)
Substitute Professor of Health Economics, Corporate Management
Health economics, social work
Faculty Council, Library Representative
Health economics, financial management in the healthcare sector
Dean of Studies Health Economics (Bachelor)
Health economics, social and health management, social policy, economics, business administration
Dean of Studies Management in Social and Health Care (part-time Master)
Professor: Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing
Empirical social research, political science, law
Methods of social work
Dean of Studies in the Dean's Office for Social Work, Health and Care
Professor of Health
Educational Science, Vocational Education.
Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing, Senate Representative for University Didactics, Head of DRC-First Responder at RWU and PH, South America Representative.
Gerontologische Pflege
Studiendekan Pflege (Bachelor ausbildungsintegrierend), Direktor des Instituts für Gerontologische Versorgungs- und Pflegeforschung (IGVP)

Employees & Staff

Secretariat for the bachelor program Social Work
Sekretariat Master Management im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen
Administrative employee, Social Work Practice Office
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Research assistant in the project "Self-Care"
Marketing und Kommunikation
Akademische Mitarbeiterin im Bachelor Angewandte Psychologie
Verwaltungsangestellte & Fakultätsrat: Fakultät Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege
Dekanatssekretariat der Fakultät S, Koordination und Praxisamt für den Studiengang Angewandte Psychologie
Research assistant on the project "Self-Care"
Akademische Mitarbeiterin Masterstudiengang Soziale Arbeit und Teilhabe
Academic employee for program coordination in the Bachelor of Social Work
Social Work Practice Office
Counselling and practice coordination
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Research assistant
Master Management in Social and Health Care
Academic Associate in the Nursing Program.
Correspondent of university didactics for faculty T.
Akademischer Mitarbeiter & Modulverwalter: Fakultät Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege /
Sekretariat & Akad. Mitarbeiter: Masterstudiengang Soziale Arbeit und Teilhabe
Research Associate Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing.
Program Coordinator Applied Health Sciences (Master's), Didactic Center Correspondent of Faculty S and member of the Faculty Council.
Coordination of the Bachelor's degree program in Nursing, Head of the Nursing Simulation Laboratory, Technical Support for Faculty S