At a glance
Counselling for prospective Students in the social work program
By a student of social work
On Sept. 27, Oct. 26, Nov. 23, Dec. 21, Jan. 4 and Jan. 11, 6-7 p.m. each day via this link.
With social work being a human rights profession, it is imperative that you recognize these rights and are willing to value people in different circumstances.
All eventsSocial work as a pillar of society
Social work is a cornerstone of successful social interaction in our society. The difficult situation of the disadvantaged is particularly striking in times of discussion about participation, inclusion and integration. This gives rise to a challenging and multifaceted professional field of social work, ranging from social planning, social management, organizational development to work with the elderly, people with disabilities, people with migration experience or young people.

Our generalist degree program provides you with a multitude of opportunities
Our social work degree program is designed to teach you how to work with people of all ages and all milieus, with men and women, with people of different nationalities and cultures, with people with and without handicaps. On the one hand, you will acquire the ability to help people who cannot cope with their problems on their own. On the other hand, you will learn how to shape and influence structures and conditions that prevent people from participating.
In this way, the bachelor's degree program in social work prepares you in a generalist way for all fields of activity in social work. In addition to a solid foundation in social work science, we place great value on a broad qualification, e.g. in the areas of law, psychology, economics and politics. The diverse elective modules allow you to individually deepen your knowledge according to your interests.

Career prospects
Opportunities for social workers on the job market are very good. The public sector as well as enterprises and organisations in the social economy are desperately looking for well qualified professionals such as the graduates of our bachelor program.

Information on advertised positions for social workers can be found HERE (access also as guest).
- Flyer Soziale Arbeit B.A. (PDF, 6.7 MB)Alle Infos kompakt auf einen Blick.
- Talentscanner Studiengang Soziale Arbeit (PDF, 1.04 MB)Informationen zu 14-tägigen Online-Probestudium
- Aktuelle SPO Soziale Arbeit B.A. (PDF, 86.97 KB)§40 der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge - Fassung vom 29. Juni 2023
- Modulhandbuch Soziale Arbeit B.A. lt. SPO17 für das WiSe24/25 (PDF, 317.64 KB)Gültig ab Studienbeginn WiSe23/24 nach SPO17. Ältere Modulhandbücher sind im QM Portal abgelegt.
- SPO16 Soziale Arbeit B.A. für Studierende bis SoSe23 (PDF, 233.14 KB)§40 der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge - Fassung vom 01. Juli 2021
- Modulhandbuch Soziale Arbeit B.A. lt. SPO16 für das SoSe24 (PDF, 987.87 KB)Gültig bis Studienbeginn SoSe23 nach SPO16. Ältere Modulhandbücher sind im QM Portal abgelegt.
- Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge mit Allgemeinem Teil - Diese Änderungssatzung tritt zum WiSe 2023/24 in Kraft.
- Satzung der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten über die Ordnung für das Hochschulzulassungs- und Auswahlverfahren für Bachelor-Studiengänge vom 28. November 2024
- Soziale Arbeit B.A. Akkreditierungsbericht (PDF, 1.23 MB)Akkreditierungsbericht
- Soziale Arbeit B.A. Akkreditierungsurkunde (PDF, 123.35 KB)Akkreditierungsurkunde
Further information
Postgraduate courses

Social Work and Participation

Applied Health Science

Social and Health Care Management
Application for summer and winter semester
Social Work offers for degree-seeking students
- 55 study places in the winter semester
- 54 study places in the summer semester
- July 15: Application deadline for the winter semester
- January 15: Application deadline for the summer semester
These dates are cut-off deadlines, which means that your application documents must be received by this date in order to be considered for the allocation of study places.
Current information on the application procedure.
Start of lectures
- Beginning of October for the winter semester
- Mid-March for the summer semester
the exact dates can be found in the menu item Dates.
apply now
Who gets a study place?
The applicants with the best overall grades will be admitted.
For the winter semester 2022/23 and the summer semester 2023, all applicants who met the admission requirements received an offer of admission.
Selection procedure - how is the overall grade calculated?
At RWU, the admission procedure for this degree program is governed by the Admission and Selection Statutes for Bachelor's programs are applied and carried out on the basis of the application documents. The preparation of a proposal list or ranking list is explained below: from the application documents, the applicant's position on a ranking list is determined according to the following procedure: Calculation of a weighted overall grade according to the formula
[(average grade of university entrance qualification)+(grades German, mathematics and continued modern foreign language)/3] / 2
If there are more applicants than places, 90% of the places are awarded by the selection procedure (best overall grade) and 10% of the places are awarded by waiting period.
Improvements of the overall grade
This overall grade can be improved by a maximum of 0.9 if one or more of the following qualifications are demonstrated:
- Completed vocational training in the field of health and social services: 0.3
- Professional activity in the training occupation of at least 1 year: 0.1. A maximum of 2 years can be credited.
Extracurricular achievements, pract. Extracurricular activities, practical activities and recognized previous experience: 0.2 per qualification, max. 2 qualifications can be credited:
- Relevant internships of at least 11 months.
- At least 2 years of voluntary work or service in social, socio-cultural, charitable or community initiatives or organizations
- A voluntary social or ecological year or voluntary development service of at least 11 months
- Child-rearing period of at least 6 months for children in own household
Move-up procedure
Prospective students often apply to several universities and study programs. As a result, study places regularly become vacant again because an applicant decides to take up another study place. These vacant places are then awarded to those who did not make it in the first place. Places are again awarded according to the ranking list, i.e. first to those with the best overall grade.
Further information about the application and the allocation of study places can be found in the Admissions Office.
Semester fee
Every semester , a semester fee is due for all students upon enrollment or re-registration. This fee is charged at a similar rate by all universities in Germany.
Composition and amount of the fee
Fees for international degree-seeking students and for second degree studies
In BW, a mandatory tuition fee for international degree-seeking students (non-EU citizens) is required since the winter semester 2017/2018. This fee also applies for graduates of other third cycle study programs. Thus, in some cases, a tuition fee must be paid in addition to the semester fee.
Prior to enrollment, applicants from non-EU countries or applicants for a second degree will receive a form to assess whether a tuition fee obligation actually exists.
The amounts and detailed information can be found under Finances.
News of this degree program

Social and Health Care Management
Weiterdenkertagung24: Transformation in the social and health care sector
Numerous representatives from the region discuss current opportunities and challenges in the social and health care sector. / Socio-ecological and digital transformation are the focus.

Practice guidance day
Deradicalization from Research and Practice
The social work program's "Practice Guidance Day" on May 5 will focus on deradicalization and democracy promotion.

Gallery Walk
Practice positions in social work
Social work students will present their practice sites on January 19 in the foyer of the main building - by students for students.

Consulting & Support
The Praxisamt S advises and supports social work students and practice sites with regard to all questions and concerns regarding internships.
Further information
School Social Work
Information on the additional qualification 'School Social Work'
In cooperation with the University of Education Weingarten (Prof. Dr. Bernd Reinhoffer / Marcus Janssen).
Contact person at RWU is Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange.
Next opportunity to join is the winter semester 2025/2026.
The offer of the University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten for students of the University of Education Weingarten can be found in the information document in the download section below.
Start of the additional qualification 'School Social Work' - ONLINE Appointment
From 15.03. we start the new cycle of the qualification 'School Social Work' in cooperation with the University of Education Weingarten.
The first appointment will provide all students with further information and offer the opportunity to ask all your questions!
Zoom link:"
- Studienbuch (PDF, 99.7 KB)Für Studierende des Lehramts und Studierende der Sozialen Arbeit
- Lehrangebot_RWU_SoSe_23.pdf (PDF, 249.87 KB)Angebot der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten für PH-Studierende SoSe 23
Gemeinsam Aktiv gegen sexuelle Belästigung an Hochschulen
Euregio-Ringtagung am 8. Mai 2025 von 9 bis 16:30 Uhr
Die Euregio-Ringtagung ist eine Kooperationsveranstaltung der RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten, der Fachhochschule Vorarlberg und der Ostschweizer Fachhochschule. Sie ist ein Forum für grenzüberschreitenden Austausch im Dreiländerraum. Im Fokus stehen aktuelle Themen aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, die zur regionalen Entwicklung beitragen. Die Tagung fördert Dialog, Vernetzung und Kooperation in der Region

Die Hochschule Ravensburg Weingarten führt die Euregio-Ringtagung in Kooperation mit der Fachhochschule Vorarlberg und der Ostschweizer Fachhochschule durch.

Im Rahmen der Euregio-Ringtagung steht den Teilnehmenden eine vielfältige Auswahl an Workshops zur Verfügung, die unterschiedliche Themenbereiche abdecken. Jede*r Teilnehmende hat die Möglichkeit, einen Workshop auszuwählen, der den individuellen Interessen und Schwerpunkten entspricht. Das Angebot lädt dazu ein, neue Impulse zu sammeln und wertvolle Einblicke zu gewinnen.
Anmeldung und Teilnahme
Veranstaltung und Tagungsort
Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
Fakultät Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege
Leibnizstraße, 88250 Weingarten
Anmeldung unter:
Die Tagungskosten betragen EUR 20,00 (inkl. Unterlagen und Verpflegung).
Für Teilnehmer*innen aus Österreich und der Schweiz:
Studierende der Fachhochschule Vorarlberg und OST-Studierende werden von ihren jeweiligen Studierendensekretariaten über den Zahlungsvorgang informiert.
Für Teilnehmer*innen aus Deutschland:
Den Teilnahmebeitrag von EUR 20 überweisen Sie bitte direkt auf das Projektkonto der Euregio-Ringtagung:
Baden-Württembergische Bank (Landesoberkasse Baden-Württemberg)
IBAN: DE02 6005 0101 7495 5301 02
Bitte unbedingt folgenden Verwendungszweck angeben: 2400600013685 + Name
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!
Weiterführende Informationen
Einladung zur Euregio-Ringtagung am 8. Mai 2025
- Einladung Euregio-Ringtagung (PDF, 489.57 KB)Informationen rund um die Euregio-Ringtagung am 08. Mai 2025
Further information
Image galleries
Photo galleries of this degree program
Contact & People
General contact details
Opening hours | by arrangement |
Phone | | | |
Room | A 022 |
On campus |
Building A
Leibnizstr. 10
88250 Weingarten |
Postal address |
RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences Social Work P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten Germany |
Program Management & Academic Advising

Secretary's Office

Contact person for sexual harassment, safety officer, senator and member of the QM working group

Employees & Staff

- Building A
- Room A 123
Internship Office

Dean's Office
Contact person for sexual harassment, safety officer, senator and member of the QM working group

Student Examination Office