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Press release

Faculty S bids farewell to its graduates

Absolvent*innen und Familien hören dem musikalischen Beitrag der Absolventenfeier der Fakultät S zu.
RWU (co)

In November, the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing said goodbye to its graduates. A total of 112 people graduated with a Bachelor's or Master's degree in the summer semester.

Professor Dr. Anja Klimsa welcomed the guests in RWU's main building. She also expressed special thanks to the parents in attendance. "They have supported our graduates over the last few years," said the new Dean.

The RWU Rector asked the new alumni two questions: "If you were working in HR, what would you want to read in your application portfolio? And secondly, when you think about the end of your career, what words would you like to hear when you say goodbye? Work on your professional success, but also take personal responsibility," says Professor Dr. Thomas Spägele.

A work of high social relevance

The prize from the city of Weingarten went to Sarah Bauermeister (Bachelor of Social Work) for her thesis "Female poverty in old age in Germany - possibilities for action in social work to prevent and alleviate it." The honorary deputy mayor Josef Kraus presented the award and emphasized the social relevance of the thesis.

Julian Wagner (Bachelor of Applied Psychology) received the Ravensburg district prize for his work on the use of artificial intelligence in psychotherapeutic practice. The award was presented by Professor Dr. Anna-Sophia Schwind, who emphasized that Julian Wagner had interviewed over 200 therapists for his signature.

This semester, the constituted student body honored Anja Twardokus and Constantin Schmidt (both Bachelor of Social Work) for their great commitment to the committees of the student body and the university. Noah provided the atmospheric musical backdrop on the guitar.

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Text: Christoph Oldenkotte
