The focus will be on the "Mitmach-Region" project, which demonstrates how regional networking and commitment enable sustainable change processes on the ground. You can look forward to input from Simon Neitzel and Sarina Gries from wirundjetzt e.V. as well as a stimulating discussion on the question of how local cooperation can contribute to advancing the UN's global sustainability goals.
The join-in regions, which include Ravensburg, rely on active cooperation between citizens, municipalities and companies. The aim is to develop solutions to global challenges such as renewable energy and social justice through local involvement. The "Think globally - act locally" concept shows how local actors can contribute to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and at the same time serve as a model for sustainable development.
The event will provide a space for exchange and develop ideas on how regional and cross-border cooperation can be shaped to promote sustainable development. The role of science and international exchange will also be highlighted.
The event is aimed at all interested parties who are looking for new impetus and information for a sustainable future.
"Mitmach-Region" is sponsored by the International Lake Constance Conference (IBK), the political umbrella for cross-border cooperation in the Lake Constance region.
Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences | Leibnizstraße 10 | 88250 Weingarten |
Building "A" - Room A316
Event date: 18.12.2024, start: 17:45 hrs
- pm_40_nachhaltigkeit_global_und_lokal_wirundjetztev.pdf (PDF, 247.4 KB)Pressemitteilung Veranstaltung Global und lokal