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Applied Computer Science

Studierende bei Gruppenarbeit.
At a glance
Regular period
7 semesters, including 1 practical semester
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Apply till 07/15
Apply till 01/15
Fields of study
Robotics & Smart Devices
A-levels or technical college entrance qualification

Our strengths

  1. Familiar atmosphere, no university masses
  2. Versatility: AI, cryptography, networks, robotics, software engineering, game development, IT security
  3. Best support for the difficult subjects
  4. Close contact and support from professors, staff, tutors
  5. Many job opportunities: Even during your studies you can earn money on the side
  6. Team spirit: Project-oriented learning in groups
  7. Varied leisure activities


All events
09:00 17:00

Math preliminary course

Prof. Dr. Stefan Etschberger
online and various seminar rooms
Studentin am PC.

This is the right place for you to study!

Applied Computer Science in Weingarten is the right degree programme for anyone who wants to study in southern Germany, between Munich, Stuttgart, Ulm, Constance and Zurich. The degree programme is located in Upper Swabia, in the heart of the Lake Constance region in Baden-Württemberg.

The region is excellent for computer scientists because many large, medium-sized and small companies employ our graduates here. Studying IT has a future.

Kampagnenmotiv The Nerd Länd
Quelle: MWK Baden-Württemberg


Baden-Württemberg is THE NERD LÄND - according to a campaign by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts. Because what used to be the tinkerer is now the nerd. According to the modern definition, a nerd is someone who is particularly interested in a technical field and spends a lot of time on it. And nerds are all those who have made Baden-Württemberg the most innovative region in the European Union and the leading science and business location - and will make it even stronger in the future. And what would nerds be without computer science?


Online study counselling: You have questions about studying, and wonder if you are suitable and what to expect? You want to know what you can do with your degree later?

Firefox and Chrome work best for this.

Taster: Contact Jonas if you would like to attend a lecture. You can have a taster session during the semester from 13 March to 30 June and then again from 4 October.

Online study guidance in Big Blue Button

Girls' Day - We are there!

We are delighted to be taking part in this year's  Girls' Day an der RWU where 66 schoolgirls from the Welfen-Gymnasium in Ravensburg will receive a colorful range of workshops!

Girls' Day wir machen mitVideo Girls Change IT

There are many good reasons for women to enter the IT sector. A wide range of career prospects and excellent job opportunities with good salaries await in one of the most important industries of the future. In addition, IT offers more flexible working conditions and work-life balance models, e.g. the option of working from home, than almost any other industry. You can find more good reasons at Girls Change IT, the BW state initiative for women in STEM professions. We want to do everything we can to support female students at our university in their studies and warmly welcome them!

We would also like to draw your attention to the informatica feminale Baden-Württemberg.

Künstliche Intelligenz
Quelle: Dieses Bild wurde von der KI Midjourney generiert

AI in the spotlight

Artificial intelligence has been impressing the world ever since the chatbot ChatGPT 2022 went live. The program has a fascinating understanding of language and provides answers to universal questions. A wide range of potential applications for artificial intelligence can also be seen in the field of software development. In the future, computer scientists will rely on numerous AI tools to master the software life cycle.

AI has long been a topic on the Applied Computer Science study program. Students learn both, the basics of artificial intelligence and its application to solve practical tasks in the field of software development. The Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IKI) can draw on over 20 years of experience with machine learning applications and is headed by Prof. Markus Schneider. Interested students can then delve even deeper into the subject in the Master's in Computer Science at RWU.

Student führt Benutzung einer VR-Brille vor
Quelle: RWU (Elias Engelhardt)

One degree programme - two fields of study

At RWU you will become a computer scientist with a solid education. In the main course you can choose a specialisation:

Games profile

Here students are introduced to the technologies behind the creation of games/AR/VR applications, as well as computer-generated effects in films.
Our graduates are in great demand and work for game development companies such as Daedalic or Blue Byte or have set up their own businesses. The market is booming - also in Baden-Württemberg. Graduates also work in core development at Unity.

Profile Robotics & Smart Devices

Intelligent algorithms and systems capable of learning are developed at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at RWU. Deep Learning is a focus of research. Applications range from service robotics and nursing to image processing and object recognition to adaptive diagnosis of machines. Students can take part in competitions as part of Robocup@home.

  • Studentin in Hörsaal
    Lots of coding projects and friends who are fun to study with: For me, that's Applied Computer Science at RWU!
  • Studentin in Hörsaalgebäude
    I started my studies without any programming knowledge and now coding subjects are my greatest passion!
  • Landingpage Testimonial Technik Laura
    What I wanted was to study at a family-oriented university that offers a lot of practical experience and where you are not thrown in at the deep end of the professional world after graduation.

Exciting events

Whether it's a Wednesday seminar, Computer Science Night, Robot Competition Day, LAN Party or Coding Night: our Computer Science goes beyond the lecture hall! Studying in Weingarten means being part of exciting lectures, events and challenges on current topics in computer science.

Studierende am PC.

Our graduates find their dream job ...

... in the region
Airbus, Avira, All for one, CHG-MERIDIAN, Bosch Software Innovations GmbH, Columbus Interactive, Diehl, DoubleSlash, IFM, KUMAvision, MTU, PKS, Tanner, Tognum, visicontrol, Wenglor, Zeppelin, ZF...

... in Games, App Development, 3D and Film
Studio Fizbin, Ludwigsburg, Scanline, Visual Effects Munich, Blue Byte, Düsseldorf, Daedalic, Games Development Hamburg, Dassault Munich, Maxon, 3D Animation near Frankfurt, Unity Technologies,...

... or they found their own company ... even during their studies!
demodern, Stuttgart,, Walldorf, Julian Jungel, Ludwigsburg,, Tettnang, Studio Fizbin, Ludwigsburg, Webkomplize, Nürnberg, to be continued ...

Studierende mit Laptop.

What you should bring with you

  • Affinity for mathematics and logic
  • Enjoy learning new concepts
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Ability to work independently on complex content
  • Patience and perseverance


All information at a glance.
§38 of the study and examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree programs - version dated November 30, 2023
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge mit Allgemeinem Teil - Diese Änderungssatzung tritt zum WiSe24/25 in Kraft
Study and examination regulations for EN bachelor's programs - This revision statute comes into force in the winter semester 2024-25
Older module handbooks are stored in the QM Portal.
Statutes of Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences on the regulations for the university admission and selection procedure for Bachelor's degree programs dated 28 November 2024

Further information

Postgraduate courses

Studierende bei Gruppenarbeit.

Computer Science

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Curriculum Preview
Download curriculum (pdf)

Application for the summer and winter semester

Applied Computer Science offers

  • places for the winter semester and summer semester.
  • 15 July: Application deadline for the winter semester
  • 15 January: Application deadline for the summer semester

These dates are cut-off deadlines, which means that your application documents must have arrived by this date in order to be considered for the allocation of places.

Start of lectures

  • Beginning of October for the winter semester
  • Mid-March for the summer semester

You will find the exact date in the menu item Dates.


Apply now

Who receives a place at the university?

All applicants who meet the admission requirements will receive an offer of admission.

You can find further information on the application and the allocation of places at the Admissions Office.

Dwarf Mine Teaser Bild

Dwarf Mine

Dwarf Mine is a 3D game created in the game engine "Unity". You play a young, 126 year old dwarf. The character's mission is to retrieve his beer mug from the mine, which he forgot in the mine tunnel after work.

Keyvisual für den Web Forward Blog

Web >> Forward

A blog for innovative web technologies at RWU: This is Web >> Forward. Students report here on their project work and final theses related to the web.

Formula Student Team 2020

Formula Student

The Formula Students Team of the Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences is a group of dedicated students who have been working on building a Formula Student racing car since March 2008.

3D Figur von Andreas Lorer

3D & Game Development

Titelbild Robolab


Informaticup Profit


RWU team qualified for the final

The InformatiCup is an annual programming competition. Four teams have now been invited to the finals in Hamburg - RWU is among them!

Contact & People

General contact details

Web links
On campus
Building T
Doggenriedstr. 42
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Applied Computer Science
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Dean of Studies

Computer science, especially web development, cloud computing & software architecture
Dean of Studies Applied Computer Science (Bachelor)
Marius Hofmeister

Faculty Secretariat

Office of Applied Computer Science, Computer Science/Electrical Engineering PLUS Teacher Training, Media Design, Computer Science

Practice Office

Computer science, especially programming & software engineering
Head of study program of Applied Infomatics (Bachelor) and Computer Science (Master), Vice Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Zeller


Film, photography, presentation, usability
Head of study program and Advisor Media Design (Bachelor)
Professor Klemens Ehret sitzt im Vorlesungsraum und schaut in die Kamera
Fundamentals of design, user experience design, usability engineering, digital innovation design
Member of the Senate, Member of the academic commission
Prof. Jürgen Graef
Computer science, especially web development, cloud computing & software architecture
Dean of Studies Applied Computer Science (Bachelor)
Marius Hofmeister
Chip cards, mathematics, basics of computer science
Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
 Prof. Ekkehard Löhmann
Software Engineering
Vice Rector for Studies, Teaching and Quality Management
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Mauser
Elektrotechnik und Mechatronik
Studiendekan und Studienberater Mechatronics (Master)
Raphael Ruf
Computer graphics, games programming and design
Daniel Scherzer
Head of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Focus: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, intelligent robotics
Markus Schneider
Embedded systems, mobile systems, apps
Head of study program of Computer Science/Electrical Engineering PLUS Teaching degree (Bachelor), Member of the Scholarship Selection Committee for the "Deutschlandstipendium"
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Weiss
Computer science, especially programming & software engineering
Head of study program of Applied Infomatics (Bachelor) and Computer Science (Master), Vice Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Zeller

Employees & Staff

Research Assistant for Applied Computer Science (B.Sc.), Computer Science (M.Sc.), Media Design (B.Sc.)
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik (B.Sc.) und Informatik (M.Sc.)
Mitglied des Personalrats
Joachim Feßler
Research assistant in the Bachelor's degree program in Applied Computer Science
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik (B.Sc.) und Informatik (M.Sc.)
Robotik, Künstliche Intelligenz, Robocup, Lehre, Administration
Stellv. Leitung Institut für Künstliche Intelligenz, Wiss. / Akadem. Mitarbeiter
Benjamin Stähle

Examination Office

Examination Office Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Student Service
Study programs AI, EM, EI
Krasovec, Irma

Overseas Representative

Computer Visualization, Digital Transformation Design, Human-Computer Interaction
Coordinator for international affairs for Media Design and Applied Computer Science programs
Prof. Markus Lauterbach


Online marketing, search engine marketing, e-business
Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Bela Mutschler