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Bachelor Full-time / German
Faculty of Technology and Management

Industrial Engineering (Technology Management)

Gruppe Studierender betrachtet Legoroboter
At a glance
Regular period
7 semesters, including 1 practical semester
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Apply till 07/15
Apply till 01/15
Fachhochschulreife, subject-specific higher education entrance qualification or general higher education entrance qualification
Quelle: RWU

One degree program - two qualifications!

Industrial engineers are the link between business administration and engineering. They optimize technical processes as well as productivity and profitability.


  • are interested in technology and management
  • want to be someone who thinks in systems and solves problems
  • want to study successfully and get a TOP job
  • want to design your studies as individually as possible and
  • want to develop personally and enjoy your studies at the same time


  • introduce you to technology and business administration
  • let you practise on practical issues
  • accompany you personally throughout your studies and
  • involve you in research and consulting
Studierende bei Gruppenarbeit.

Career & prospects

Industrial engineers are sought for tasks in project management, quality management, controlling, technical purchasing or (technical) sales, both nationally and internationally. With increasing professional experience, management and budget responsibility are often added. Industrial engineers "made in Weingarten" have excellent employment opportunities in industry, not only in the interdisciplinary field.

Lego Spielzeug Personen
Quelle: RWU (Elias Engelhardt)

What are we doing differently?

What makes our degree program different from other industrial engineering degree programs?

We have completely rethought our degree program!

  • Maximum freedom of choice for students
    You are free to choose more than one semester at RWU and/or (inter)nationally.
  • Integration of a semester abroad
    You can easily go abroad during your main studies without having to extend your study time.
  • English-language subjects
    You can enhance your professional qualifications by taking English-language subjects, e.g. at our International Academy.
  • Modern but timeless degree program 
    On a modern degree course, you will study subjects that are in high demand and will continue to shape our world for many decades to come.


All events


Further information

Postgraduate courses


Technology Management and Optimization

Faculty of Technology and Management

International Business Management & Sustainability MBA

Faculty of Technology and Management
Curriculum Preview
Download curriculum (pdf)

Application for the summer and winter semester

The Industrial Engineering and Management (Technology Management) program offers

  • NC-free places in the winter and summer semesters
  • July 15: Application deadline for the winter semester
  • January 15: Application deadline for the summer semester

These dates are cut-off deadlines, which means that your application documents must be received by this date in order to be considered for the allocation of study places.

Start of lectures

  • Beginning of October for the winter semester
  • Mid-March for the summer semester

the exact date can be found in the menu item Dates.

To the online application


Who gets a place?

All applicants who meet the admission requirements will receive an offer of admission.

Semester fee

Every semester, all students are required to pay a semester fee upon enrolment or re-registration. This fee is charged at a similar level by all universities in Germany.

Composition and amount of the fee


Since the winter semester 2017/2018, Baden-Württemberg has had a tuition fee for international students (non-EU citizens) and a second degree course fee. This means that in some cases a tuition fee must be paid in addition to the semester fee.

Before enrolling, applicants from non-EU countries or applicants for a second degree course will receive a form to assess whether they are actually required to pay tuition fees.

The amounts and detailed information can be found at Finances.



Projects of this degree program

Rover 2 Mars

The Rover2Mars project is a project of students at RWU.

The rover is being developed independently by students from the degree programs in

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Mechanical Engineering,
  • Industrial Engineering

and others.

The team participates in competitions such as the Canadian International Rover Contest (CIRC) with the developed rover. In 2019, the team placed 9th out of 12 (see press release for download).

Formula Student

The Formula Students Team of the Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences is a group of dedicated students who have been working on building a Formula Student racing car since March 2008. Since 2018, the team has been designing and manufacturing two Formula vehicles, a CV (Combustion Vehicle) and a DV (Driverless Vehicle), i.e. an autonomously driving vehicle. Starting next season in 2021, they will develop an EV (Electric Vehicle) for the first time.

The motivation of the students…


News of this degree program

Cooperation in teaching

Unique learning offer: practical experience in sales and marketing

Since the winter semester 2024/2025, Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences (RWU) has been offering the elective "Digital Marketing and Sales Excellence (DMSX)" within the Faculty of Technology and Management.

Insights into industrial engineering

Ravensburg commercial schools visit RWU

In the penultimate week of school before the summer vacation, 38 inquisitive pupils from the Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg came to RWU to learn about studying at the university as part of a project week.

Faculty of Technology and Management

Outstanding achievements honored

78 graduates successfully completed their studies at RWU last winter semester. These achievements have now been honored and celebrated at the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Technology and Management.

Press release

First doctoral student at RWU

The doctoral association of the Universites of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg has recently made it possible to obtain a doctorate at RWU. Nishanth Nandakumar is the first doctoral student to start his doctorate at RWU.

Faculty of Technology and Management

"Go out and change this world!"

The Faculty of Technology and Management honored and bid farewell to its graduates in a festive setting.

In conversation with the Schwäbische Zeitung

"If you don't want to make a dent, you won't".

About digitization in Germany, generation Z and the role of vacuum cleaners

Press release

RWU performs very well in university ranking

Business, Technology and Social Studies - this is how RWU describes its range of courses. In the Department of Business and Economics, several subjects are rated as very good in the current CHE university ranking.


TW students visit the Kramer works

A group of students from the Industrial Engineering and Management (Technology Management) course visited Kramer-Werke in Pfullendorf on April 27, 2023.

Press release

Opening of the innovation lab LAB4DTE

"Ideally, the Lab acts as a catalyst, generating ideas that lead to startups. We cover the entire lifecycle of innovation, all the way to startup consulting."


Kai Amrein (B.eng.)

"I decided to study Industrial Engineering (Technology Management) because I already found the combination of technology (mechanical engineering) and management (business administration) very interesting and future-oriented. Today's global working world demands fast, flexible and sustainable solutions. The practice-oriented and international degree course prepares you for this in the best possible way. I found the proximity to the students and professors particularly positive, from which my personal network still benefits today. I particularly liked the international and project-based focus at TM. In addition to a study trip to Bratislava in Slovakia, I completed my internship semester at ZF Suzhou in China. For my bachelor's thesis, I lived in India for three months to conduct a market analysis. I still benefit from this experience and the broad spectrum in my day-to-day work as a Global Key Account Manager."

Julian Dobczinski, B.Eng.

""Before my studies, I did an apprenticeship in wholesale and foreign trade. Interesting, but that wasn't quite enough for me. I missed the technical connection to my work, as I have always been interested in technology. During my studies, I got exactly what I was looking for: physics with the physicists, electrical engineering with the electrical engineers, mechanical engineering with the MB students, but also marketing with the business administration students. Although I struggled with the amount of material at the beginning, after a few semesters it went quite well and I knew how things worked. I particularly liked the interdisciplinary nature of the course. One highlight was my stay abroad in Bangkok at Thammasat University. The city was as dense as the jungle, with spicy food and heat. But despite the excursions in and around Thailand, I also learned a lot there that is still a great help to me today: how to deal with unknown and new challenges. The course gives you a good insight into the different specializations of an engineer for your future career choice. As the industrial engineering degree program is very interdisciplinary, you have a wide choice of directions you can take afterwards. I did my Master's in SCM at HTWK Leipzig and was therefore able to build on my Bachelor's very well. I recently joined Helbling Technik in Zurich as a development engineer. Here I work in a plant and production planning team that works on international projects. In my day-to-day work, I probably benefit most from the overall package that you get on the course, a toolbox filled with different tools and methodological skills."

Image galleries

Photo galleries of this degree program

Contact & People

General contact details

Room B 213
On campus
Building B
Leibnizstr. 12
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Industrial Engineering (Technology Management)
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten


Secretariat Faculty of Technology and Management
Bachelor's degree course "Industrial Engineering" (TW); Master's degree course "Technology Management & Optimization" (TMO)

Student Advisory Service & Program Director

Machine vision, optics and 3D technologies
Dean of Studies Industrial Engineering (Technology Management) (Bachelor)


Innovation and product management; digitalization; business development; basics of physics, mathematics
Dean of Studies Business Administration and Entrepreneurship
Materials management and logistics, global distribution networks, international procurement
Dean of the Faculty of Technology and Management
Mathematics and statistics
Marketing and sales management, digital transformation, market psychology, business development, market research
Founder and Director of the Insight Excellence Lab (IXL)
Production technology, materials, chemistry
Library officer
Controlling, sales controlling, advanced controlling with case studies, cost and performance accounting, financing, company valuation
B2B Marketing, Vertrieb, Key Account Management, Industrial Marketing, Strategic Marketing Management, Organzational Behavior
Studiendekanin International Business Management & Sustainability (Master), Auslandsbeauftragte
Physical device construction, optical design, micro and integrated optics, optical information technology, medical imaging techniques
Vice-Rector for Research, International Affairs and Transfer
International Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Mergers & Acquisitions
Production engineering and optimization, technology management
Dean of Studies in the Dean's Office Technology and Management; Dean of Studies Technology Management and Optimization (Master)
Business mathematics, business informatics, statistics, supply chain planning
Mathematics and statistics
Representative of the Faculty for Equal Opportunities
Business organization, mechatronics, process optimization, production engineering
External accounting, accounting, accounting according to IFRS, balance sheet analysis, taxes, business law
Finance, planning, controlling, management simulation and strategic management
Dean of Studies Business Administration and Management (Bachelor), Vice Dean of the Faculty of Technology and Management

Examination office

Student Examination Office faculty Technology and Management, Student Administration Office
Study programs TW, IBS, BWU, TMO, Monday to Wednesday

Practice office

Mathematics and statistics

Representative abroad

B2B Marketing, Vertrieb, Key Account Management, Industrial Marketing, Strategic Marketing Management, Organzational Behavior
Studiendekanin International Business Management & Sustainability (Master), Auslandsbeauftragte


Materials management and logistics, global distribution networks, international procurement
Dean of the Faculty of Technology and Management
Secretariat Faculty of Technology and Management
Dean's Office, Bachelor's degree programs "Physical Engineering" and "Mechatronics"