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Press release

RWU performs very well in university ranking

ZEIT CHE Hochschulranking
Das CHE Hochschulranking erscheint seit 25 Jahren und bietet Studieninteressierten eine Orientierung in der deutschen Hochschullandschaft. Im aktuellen Ranking haben die Studierenden der RWU die Bachelor-Studiengänge Wirtschaftsinformatik, Wirtschaftsingenieur sowie BWL und Management und den konsekutive Master-Studiengang BWL und Unternehmerisches Handeln mit sehr gut bewertet.

Weingarten - At the beginning of May, DIE ZEIT published the latest results of the university ranking by the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE). In this year's ranking, Ravensburg-Weingarten University (RWU) is included with the following Bachelor's programs: Business Administration and Management, Business Information Systems and Industrial Engineering, as well as with the Master's program in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship. All of these business and economics degree programs performed very well.

Best conditions for prospective business students

The students of the Bachelor's program in Business Information Systems rate the general study situation as very good: with 4.5 out of 5 possible stars. Especially the range of courses, the supervision and support by the lecturers as well as the offers for career orientation and the practice-oriented teaching are rated as very good by the students.

The Bachelor's program in Business Administration and Management is awarded an overall rating of 4 out of 5 possible stars by the students - also very good. Above all, the general study organization is rated as very good. In the category of support at the beginning of studies, the program receives 13 out of 16 possible points. Support for study abroad is rated as very good. Both the bachelor's and the consecutive master's program in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship are characterized by a high level of practical relevance and an intensive link between teaching and practice, which is appreciated by the students.

Another Bachelor's program that receives 4 out of 5 possible stars in the ranking is Industrial Engineering. Here, too, the general study organization is described as very good. The category of support at the beginning of studies is also awarded 13 out of a possible 16 points. Students rate the university's facilities (IT, rooms, library) with 4 out of 5 possible stars, and the internship labs even receive 4.5 stars. Like the other degree programs, the practical relevance, especially the career orientation offerings, is rated as very good in the subject of industrial engineering.

The ranking attests to the entire region of Lake Constance-Upper Swabia having "a very good range of business subjects to study," according to a press release from ZEIT Verlag.

CHE offers orientation for 25 years

According to its own information, the CHE university ranking is the most comprehensive and detailed comparison of universities in German-speaking countries. For 25 years, students have been asked about the study conditions at their universities for the ranking. The ZEIT Study Guide, in which the results of the CHE University Ranking are published, provides interesting information about studying, teaching and research. It also answers relevant questions about studying, including subject selection, application and financing.

The primary goal is to inform first-year students and those changing universities "about the study opportunities and conditions in the respective subjects.
-conditions in the respective fields of study by means of a comparative presentation of study offers and conditions," says the CHE on its website.


Text: Lisann Gauss