At a glance
Our strengths
- Familiar atmosphere, no university masses
- Versatility: AI, cryptography, networks, robotics, software engineering, game development, IT security
- Best support for the difficult subjects
- Close contact and support from professors, staff, tutors
- Many job opportunities: Even during your studies you can earn money on the side
- Team spirit: Project-oriented learning in groups
- Varied leisure activities
All eventsMath preliminary course
This is the right place for you to study!
Applied Computer Science in Weingarten is the right degree programme for anyone who wants to study in southern Germany, between Munich, Stuttgart, Ulm, Constance and Zurich. The degree programme is located in Upper Swabia, in the heart of the Lake Constance region in Baden-Württemberg.
The region is excellent for computer scientists because many large, medium-sized and small companies employ our graduates here. Studying IT has a future.
Baden-Württemberg ist THE NERD LÄND- laut einer Kampagne des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst. Denn was früher der Tüftler war, ist heute der Nerd. Ein Nerd ist nach moderner Definition jemand, der für ein technisches Fachgebiet besonders großes Interesse zeigt und viel Zeit damit verbringt. Und Nerds sind all jene, die Baden-Württemberg zur innovativsten Region der Europäischen Union und zum führenden Wissenschafts- und Wirtschaftsstandort gemacht haben – und in Zukunft noch stärker machen. Und was wären Nerds ohne die Informatik?
Online study counselling: You have questions about studying, and wonder if you are suitable and what to expect? You want to know what you can do with your degree later?
- Mondays from 19:00 - 20:00 Advice with Jonas, student in the 5th semester.
- Big Blue Button
Firefox and Chrome work best for this.
Taster: Contact Jonas if you would like to attend a lecture. You can have a taster session during the semester from 13 March to 30 June and then again from 4 October.
Girls' Day - Wir sind dabei!
Wir freuen uns, am diesjährigen Girls' Day an der RWU mit dabei zu sein, an dem 66 Schülerinnen des Welfen-Gymnasium in Ravensburg ein buntes Workshop-Angebot erhalten!
Es gibt viele gute Gründe, als Frau in die Informatik einzusteigen. Vielfältige Karriereperspektiven sowie beste Jobaussichten mit guten Gehältern winken in einer der wichtigsten Zukunftsbranchen schlechthin. Zudem bietet die Informatik wie kaum eine andere Branche flexible Arbeitsbedingungen und Work-Life-Balance-Modelle z.B. mit Homeoffice-Möglichkeit. Weitere gute Gründe findest Du unter Girls Change IT, der BW-Landesinitiative für Frauen in MINT-Berufen. Wir möchten weibliche Studierende an unserer Hochschule nach allen Kräften bei ihrem Studium unterstützen und heißen sie herzlich willkommen!
Gerne machen wir auch aufmerksam auf die informatica feminale Baden-Württemberg.
KI im Fokus
Künstliche Intelligenz beeindruckt die Welt, seitdem der Chatbot ChatGPT 2022 live gegangen ist. Das Programm besitzt ein faszinierendes Sprachverständnis und liefert Antworten auf universelle Fragen. Vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten künstlicher Intelligenz sind auch im Bereich Softwareentwicklung sichtbar. Informatiker*innen werden in Zukunft auf zahlreiche KI-Tools zurückgreifen, um den Softwarelebenszyklus zu meistern.
Im Studiengang Angewandte Informatik ist KI schon seit langem eine Thema. Studierende lernen hier sowohl die Grundlagen künstlicher Intelligenz als auch die Anwendung zur Lösung praktischer Aufgabenstellungen im Bereich der Softwareentwicklung. Das Institut für Künstliche Intelligenz (IKI) kann auf über 20 Jahre Erfahrungen mit Anwendungen des maschinellen Lernens zurückgreifen und wird von Prof. Markus Schneider geleitet. Im Master Informatik an der RWU können Interessierte dann noch tiefer in das Thema eintauchen.
Ruhestandsparty Professor Ertel
Am 23.2.2024 verabschiedete sich Prof. Wolfgang Ertel in den Ruhestand, der das Institut für Künstliche Intelligenz einst gegründet hat. In einer "Ruhestandsparty" kamen neben offiziellen Reden des Rektors und Dekans zahlreiche weitere Weggefährten zum Thema "KI gestern, heute und morgen" zu Wort. Von "KI: Künstliche Ignoranz" über "Kreative Bildgenerierung mit KI" bis hin zu "20+ Jahre Servicerobotik" wurden dabei zahlreiche interessante Themen gestreift.
One degree programme - two fields of study
At RWU you will become a computer scientist with a solid education. In the main course you can choose a specialisation:
Games profile
Here students are introduced to the technologies behind the creation of games/AR/VR applications, as well as computer-generated effects in films.
Our graduates are in great demand and work for game development companies such as Daedalic or Blue Byte or have set up their own businesses. The market is booming - also in Baden-Württemberg. Graduates also work in core development at Unity.
Profile Robotics & Smart Devices
Intelligent algorithms and systems capable of learning are developed at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at RWU. Deep Learning is a focus of research. Applications range from service robotics and nursing to image processing and object recognition to adaptive diagnosis of machines. Students can take part in competitions as part of Robocup@home.
Spannende Events
Ob Mittwochseminar, Nacht der Informatik, Robot Competition Day, LAN-Party oder Coding Night: Unsere Informatik geht über den Hörsaal hinaus! Studieren in Weingarten bedeutet, dabei zu sein bei spannenden Vorträgen, Events und Challenges rund um aktuelle Themen der Informatik.
Our graduates find their dream job ...
... in the region
Airbus, Avira, All for one, CHG-MERIDIAN, Bosch Software Innovations GmbH, Columbus Interactive, Diehl, DoubleSlash, IFM, KUMAvision, MTU, PKS, Tanner, Tognum, visicontrol, Wenglor, Zeppelin, ZF...
... in Games, App Development, 3D and Film
Studio Fizbin, Ludwigsburg, Scanline, Visual Effects Munich, Blue Byte, Düsseldorf, Daedalic, Games Development Hamburg, Dassault Munich, Maxon, 3D Animation near Frankfurt, Unity Technologies,...
... or they found their own company ... even during their studies!
demodern, Stuttgart,, Walldorf, Julian Jungel, Ludwigsburg,, Tettnang, Studio Fizbin, Ludwigsburg, Webkomplize, Nürnberg, to be continued ...
What you should bring with you
- Affinity for mathematics and logic
- Enjoy learning new concepts
- Ability to work in a team
- Ability to work independently on complex content
- Patience and perseverance
Looking to the future
Computer Science Night - Our teaching goes beyond the lecture hall.
We regularly share our knowledge and invite the region to exchange ideas. For this purpose, there is the Night of Computer Science.
Applications such as service robots, smart homes or robot taxis will greatly change our lives in just a few years. At the Computer Science Night, RWU takes a look into the future: What will happen with artificial intelligence? Will robots develop feelings and consciousness? Will robots be smarter than us humans?
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Ertel cannot answer all these questions in his lecture at the Night of Computer Science, but he will give his assessments from an expert's point of view and show how important it is to steer the development of artificial intelligence in the right direction. Ertel is head of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at RWU and his areas of expertise are machine learning and robots capable of learning.
Top-class lectures
Several speakers will provide exciting insights into the world of computer science. From "Digital Fabrication" to "Augmented Reality(AR)" and "Physical Computing", exciting lectures can be expected every time. Even those who are interested in computer science can see here what is possible through technology.
Students present their projects
Exciting projects by students from the fields of computer science and design will be presented in the foyer throughout the evening.
Further information
Postgraduate courses
Computer Science
Application for the summer and winter semester
Applied Computer Science offers
- places for the winter semester and summer semester.
- 15 July: Application deadline for the winter semester
- 15 January: Application deadline for the summer semester
These dates are cut-off deadlines, which means that your application documents must have arrived by this date in order to be considered for the allocation of places.
Start of lectures
- Beginning of October for the winter semester
- Mid-March for the summer semester
You will find the exact date in the menu item Dates.
Apply now
Who receives a place at the university?
All applicants who meet the admission requirements will receive an offer of admission.
You can find further information on the application and the allocation of places at the Admissions Office.
Dwarf Mine
Dwarf Mine is a 3D game created in the game engine "Unity". You play a young, 126 year old dwarf. The character's mission is to retrieve his beer mug from the mine, which he forgot in the mine tunnel after work.
Web >> Forward
A blog for innovative web technologies at RWU: This is Web >> Forward. Students report here on their project work and final theses related to the web.
Formula Student
The Formula Students Team of the Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences is a group of dedicated students who have been working on building a Formula Student racing car since March 2008.
RWU team qualified for the final
The InformatiCup is an annual programming competition. Four teams have now been invited to the finals in Hamburg - RWU is among them!
Contact & People
General contact details
Web links | |
On campus |
Building T
Doggenriedstr. 42
88250 Weingarten |
Postal address |
RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences Applied Computer Science P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten Germany |