To examine various reform options from the coalition agreement, the German government has decided to set up the "Focus Group on Private Pensions" which meets under the chairmanship of the Federal Ministry of Finance. Dr. Marlene Haupt, Professor of Social Economics and Social Policy at Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences (RWU), was appointed to the focus group as an expert and permanent academic member.
In addition to the statutory pension and company pension schemes, strengthening private pension provision is important for securing the standard of living in old age. The focus group is tasked with analyzing private pension provision in Germany and making recommendations for its future development.
Improving private pension provision in Germany
Alongside other representatives of the relevant ministries, provider associations, consumer protection, the social partners and academia, Marlene Haupt is contributing her many years of experience in the field of social policy and her knowledge of private retirement provision to the focus group's work. "I am delighted to have the opportunity to contribute my expertise and experience to the reform discussions and help improve private pension provision in Germany," says Marlene Haupt.
The focus group will produce a final report by the summer of 2023 and will, on the one hand, examine the possibility of a publicly accountable fund that offers pensioners a non-mandatory, low-cost and effective private pension plan. Secondly, the focus group is to examine the possibility of statutory recognition of private products that achieve a higher return than is possible on the basis of existing Riester contracts. This is intended to increase the attractiveness and spread of private retirement provision, for example by providing incentives for lower income groups.
Text: Federal Ministry of Finance / RWU