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Press release

AI and Software Engineering - How artificial intelligence is changing software development

Marius Hofmeister
Im Mittwochseminar am 05. Juni an der RWU befasst sich Professor Dr. Marius Hofmeister mit der Frage, inwieweit KI die Arbeitswelt im Bereich der Softwareentwicklung beeinflusst.

In the Wednesday seminar on June 5 at RWU, Professor Dr. Marius Hofmeister will address the question of the extent to which AI is influencing the world of work in the field of software development.

Weingarten - Artificial intelligence  (AI) will change many areas of our lives in the future. This development has been observable at the latest since the release of the ChatGPT 2022 software, which demonstrates increasingly better language understanding. Since then, there has been speculation about which professions will be particularly affected by the new possibilities of AI.

Marius Hofmeister's presentation will explain that this is also evident in the field of software development. The potential of generative artificial intelligence is already apparent: program code is created automatically and complex technical questions are answered in a matter of seconds. The lecture aims to make the way in which software - with AI - is produced understandable for people without any knowledge of computer science. The focus is on the question of how AI will continue to change this complex process in the future. Will human labor still be needed at all in the field of software development?

Marius Hofmeister has been Professor of Web Development at Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences since 2018. After studying at the Stuttgart Media University, he completed his doctorate at the University of Tübingen. This was followed by professional activities in research funding at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and as a software developer and senior consultant.


Wednesday seminar at the RWU
"AI and Software Engineering - How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Software Development"
With: Prof. Dr. Marius Hofmeister
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

18:00 to 19:30

Room H002, main building of the RWU, Doggenriedstraße 70, 88250 Weingarten

Hybrid event: The lecture will take place on site and online. The face-to-face event will take place in room H002 in the main building of the RWU, Doggenriedstraße 70, 88250 Weingarten. On the day of the event, a link will be published on the RWU homepage (, which leads directly to the online lecture. Prior registration is not necessary.

Text: Alec Weber