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RWU Leitbild

University-wide development

Updated mission statements published

RWU has updated its mission statements in a participatory process and set ambitious goals. The mission statements are now available in various formats.

Student PV-Anlage Dach


"Dream Job Professor Plus" - Your Path to a Professorship

The joint project "Traumberuf Professorin Plus" starts into the first round! Women who are interested in a professorship at an HAW or DHBW will be prepared for it in the project through a mentoring and qualification program.

RWU Welcome Week


Welcome and Orientation Week

80 new international students begin their studies at RWU in the winter semester. RWU welcomes them during Welcome and Orientation Week.

Bodensee Startup School


Success for startup from RWU's Startup Center

An impressive success for RWU's Startup Center: A startup managed by LAB4DTE convinced the jury at this year's Bodensee Startup School at the HTWG in Konstanz.


RWU at the Chaos Communication Camp

Soldering connects

Benjamin Stähle and Joachim Feßler traveled to the CCC camp in Brandenburg. And who did they meet there? RWU graduates.


Summer School

Taste course for the electrical engineering and electromobility degree programs

STEM graduates are in demand - that's common knowledge. Seven interested young adults learned that a technical degree is not boring and that the work as an engineer is multifaceted during a trial study at RWU.

Heuwender Gruppe

Organic farming

Proven concept further developed

Two mechanical engineering students have applied the tried and tested concept of the star wheel turner to today's requirements of organic farming.

ASAP BW Finael


Three RWU start-ups in the state finals

Three start-ups from RWU were represented in the final of the state-wide start-up competition ASAP BW. The prize for the best pitch went to the "Smart Size" team.