The highlight of the health program in the 2024 summer semester is the seven-part "Live Balance" course: participants learn about their inner drivers and personal values, question their priorities and improve the way they deal with stress. The aim is to strengthen their mental defenses and be able to cope well with challenges at work and in their private lives.
A new addition to the program is gentle spinal strengthening, which replaces the yoga course. The popular "Rückenfit" online training is still included. If you are interested in mindful eating or would like to know how we can help our own happiness, there are two entertaining online impulse lectures. Soothing exercises for the eyes will be taught in the online training on May 15.
Teachers and employees can register now via the QM Engine.
Further details can be found at https://www.rwu.de/hochschule/arbeiten-der-rwu/gesundheitsfoerderung-0