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Workplace Health Promotion

Bewegte Pause
Our offer

Workplace Health program in the Winter semester 2024/2025

The program is open to all RWU employees and professors. Have fun!

Junge Frau mit Brille blickt in die Kamera
Quelle: Pexels

Eye Training

Deliberate time-outs not only help your eyes, but also counteract tension, stress and the many problems associated with sitting for long periods of time. In the online session, you will learn numerous exercises for your eye health that you can easily and quickly integrate into your everyday life.

What? Seminar
When? Wednesday, October 9, 2024 from 12:00 to 12:45 p.m.
Where? Online

Registration will be available through the QM-Engine beginning 26.08.2024.

Junge Frau macht Gymnastik
Quelle: Pexels

Back Workout

Invest 15 minutes to treat your body and mind to an invigorating short workout. With targeted exercises for the back muscles, the deep muscles of the spine and stretching exercises, we work on a healthy back. The exercises are simple and easy to replicate, so you'll be able to incorporate them into your daily work routine and repeat them at any time.

What? Training course
When? Mondays from 12:00 - 12:15
Dates: 14.10., 21.10., 28.10., 04.11., 11.11., 18.11., 25.11., 02.12., 09.12.2024, 13.01.2025, 20.01., 27.01.
Where? Online

Registration will be available through the QM-Engine beginning 26.08.2024.

Frau macht Gymnastik
Quelle: pexels

Gentle Spine Strengthening

We carry out gentle back training on the mat to straighten the spine. The focus is on strengthening the back muscles, the pelvic floor and the neck/shoulder area. Each strengthening exercise is followed by the appropriate balancing exercise in the form of stretching and relaxing the muscles and mobilizing the joints.

What? Training course
When? Tuesdays from 4 pm to 5 pm
Dates: 15.10., 22.10., 05.11., 12.11., 19.11., 26.11., 03.12., 10.12.2024, 14.01.2025, 21.01.
Where? Face-to-face and online
Notes: You will need comfortable clothing, a mat, a Theraband (2.0-2.50 m) and a chair or stool.

Registration will be available through the QM-Engine beginning 26.08.2024.

Junger Mann macht Sport
Quelle: Pexels

Active Lunch Break

The active lunch break creates healthy freedom and balance. It is great fun in the group, promotes team spirit and brings energy back into the body so that you can get back to work feeling fresh. Through a variety of exercises, we strengthen the muscles in the back and abdominal area and loosen and stretch the entire body. Special compensatory exercises for working at a desk and relaxation exercises round off the program.

What? Training course
When? Wednesdays from 12:00 to 12:45
Dates: 16.10., 23.10., 30.10., 06.11., 20.11., 27.11., 04.12.2024
Where? PH gym
Notes: You will need sportswear, a towel and something to drink.

Registration will be available through the QM-Engine beginning 26.08.2024.

Probenröhrchen im Labor
Quelle: Pexels

How to Interpret and Evaluate Lab Results

What do the abbreviations on the laboratory form mean and what significance do they have with regard to your diet? An understanding of clinical parameters is the necessary prerequisite for being able to understand the medical diagnosis and therapy and to derive the correct consequences for your own diet. The lecture will discuss the classic blood parameters such as small and large blood work, liver, kidney, iron, pancreas, inflammation and thyroid values as well as electrolytes.

What? talk
When? Tuesday, October 22, 2024 from 09:45 to 11:15 am
Where? Online

Registration will be available through the QM-Engine beginning 26.08.2024.

Junge Frau beim Essen
Quelle: Pexels

Female Hormones and Diet

In this talk, we will explore the fascinating link between dietary habits and the regulation of female hormones. A balanced and nutritious diet can help to alleviate hormonal imbalances and promote women's overall wellbeing. Join us on this journey of discovery, where we also look at how hormonal imbalances can affect appetite and metabolism, and provide nutritional tips to promote healthy hormone balance.

What? Talk
When? Wednesday, November 6, 2024 from 10:00 to 11:15 am
Where? Online

Registration will be available through the QM-Engine beginning 26.08.2024.

Flammen vor schwarzen Hintergrund
Quelle: Pexels

Chronic Inflammation: The Hidden Danger

Chronic inflammation often goes unnoticed and can lead to a variety of health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, intestinal diseases, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, cancer or a weakened immune system. A targeted diet and healthy gut bacteria can help to reduce inflammation and thus promote health.

Join us on an exciting journey through the world of anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory foods and get tips on how you can promote your personal well-being and strengthen your immune system.

What? Talk
When? Tuesday, November 26, 2024 from 10:00 to 11:15 am
Where? Online

Registration will be available through the QM-Engine beginning 26.08.2024.

Junger Mann schläft im Bett
Quelle: Pexels

Stop your Thought Carousel and Fall Asleep

"Sleep is the best medicine". The saying is well known and very true in many cases. But what if we just can't fall asleep? When thoughts keep us awake and we can't switch off? In this lecture, you will receive tips on how to stop your thought carousel and fall asleep in a relaxed manner.

What? Talk
When? Thursday, December 12, 2024 from 2:30 to 3:15 pm
Where? Online

Registration will be available through the QM-Engine beginning 26.08.2024.

Further information


RWU enables its staff and faculty to become members of Hansefit. Hansefit is one of the leading corporate fitness networks in Germany.

Flexible fitness with Hansefit

Are you an employee or professor at RWU and want to keep fit? Would you like to train independently of the RWU health program in terms of time and location or try out new things? Then Hansefit is the right thing for you! Hansefit offers you...

  • thousands of sports and health facilities throughout Germany,
  • an extensive range of digital health services,
  • the use of all offers simply and conveniently with the Hansefit app,
  • and all of this at a fixed monthly price.

All details and the link to register can be found in the QM-Portal.
Stay fit with Hansefit!

Symbolbild für Firmenfitness
Contact & People


Christine Reudanik M.Sc.

HR and Organizational Development Consultant
Member of the Executive Board of the Staff Council