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Therefore RWU

Therefore RWU

Welcome to RWU!


The lake on the doorstep, the mountains in view: RWU is a university of applied sciences located not only in one of the strongest economic regions in Europe, but also one of the most beautiful. With our range of courses in the fields of technology, business and social sciences, we cover a broad spectrum.

We are a university for doers, because everything here revolves around practice. Whether it's contacts on campus or in the business world, you can rely on our networks. Benefit from years of experience in business and teaching. We carry the "Angewandt" in our name and in our hearts.

Around 3,800 students from all over the world call us "their RWU". Big enough that there's always something going on. Familiar enough that you are more than just a number here. Here you will make friends for life, discover new passions and have the space to develop. And should you ever want to go far away: Partner universities on all continents enable you to gain valuable experience abroad.


Zu den Studiengängen an der RWU


With partners from the economy

"I preferred to go to a small university where you are not just a number. I like the region, the Lake Constance and the proximity to the mountains and also Ravensburg-Weingarten. It's not too big, not too much, you can get everywhere easily by bike. During our studies, we work a lot in groups, on concrete projects, with partners directly from industry - simply very practical. The team spirit is great and the direct feedback is also good for self-confidence. Beyond the timetable, there are many opportunities to think outside the box and broaden your own perspective. I have learned a lot through my involvement with Formula Student. It's exciting to see the cars being built and to work on them. I was directly involved and could quickly take on responsibility. There's a lot of passion and team spirit behind it."

Sarah Schmuttermair
Business Administration and Entrepreneurship


Study in small groups

"I have learned to structure and motivate myself better. And if I ever need support, I can find it whether through the student council or from the professors who we can always turn to. Because it is so manageable here, it is easy to find contact persons. I like the fact that the university is not so big. I think the location is great with the old buildings and the basilica. I feel like I have the overview: Where is RWU, but also: who actually is RWU? It's not so anonymous and that also shows in the events. The number of students is manageable and if you have a question, you're more likely to ask than if you had to do it in front of 300 people in a lecture hall."

Maren Fink
Business Administration and Management

Testimonial 1

Find friends for life

"A lot has already happened since I started studying. A lot of hustle and bustle but nice hustle and bustle that I already like to think back on. My start to my studies wasn't necessarily smooth but I quickly had support. I met the best people here, discovered my love for climbing and also made friends through it. It's a family environment here, you're immediately in the green. Everything is close by: The Alps for snowboarding or to take a vacation."

Fabio Bitzer
Business Informatics PLUS


Family atmosphere

"It's always a challenge to meet new people when you come to a new environment. I started my studies during the pandemic and despite everything I was able to make really great new contacts. In my very first semester, I joined the university initiative kreaktiv, the student consultancy. I felt right at home there and made friends. I learn more every day, both professionally and personally, through this commitment. I get insights into areas that are not currently on my timetable. Sometimes you don't even have to go to the huge unis just to prove something to yourself. I feel more comfortable when everything is a bit more personal and you always get to see familiar faces."

Saskia Teufel
Business Administration and Management


Cosmopolitan campus

"When I came to RWU a year and a half ago, two things struck me right away: The nature around Weingarten and the international atmosphere that prevails on campus. The people here at RWU are cosmopolitan and open-minded. There are so many students from all kinds of countries here and you can feel that. I myself am always happy when I meet people with different cultural backgrounds. And it feels like everyone sticks together in their studies. You support each other and make sure that no one is left behind. It's a give and take.".

Aniket Singh
Eletrical Engineering and Information Technology

Tabea Schmid Zitat

Verschiedene Perspektiven

"Das Besondere am Studium ist für mich die Mischung verschiedener Berufsgruppen aus dem Sozial- & Gesundheitswesen, ich profitiere sehr von meinen Komiliton*innen und deren Erfahrungen aus anderen Bereichen, der Blick wird "weiter". Aber auch von den Dozentinnen und Dozenten, denen es gelingt einen hohen wissenschaftlichen Standard in die Praxis zu transferieren."

Tabea Schmid
Management im Sozial- & Gesundheitswesen 


Testimonial 2

Seize opportunities

"I previously completed a university degree. However, I always lacked practical relevance and often wondered how I could apply the theory in everyday work. That's why I decided to start a second degree at RWU. You get a lot of practice here in the lectures and seminars and you get to know the tools concretely in exercises. I have the feeling that I can apply what I learn here. And that motivates me to also learn something independently beyond the university material. Studying shows you the possibilities of what you can do later. But you have to get to a point yourself and try things out to know what direction you want to go in later. Here at RWU, I can try myself out and figure out where I want to go later."

Michelle Rizzo
Industrial Engineering


Successful as a team

"Before I started studying at RWU, I had already completed an apprenticeship. But studying was another step. I wanted to do something creative and try out studying itself. Move to a foreign city, meet new people and experience something new. In the media design program, we spend most of our time working on projects. That's when you learn how to work in a team and how to assess yourself: How do I allocate my time? Do I take on too much or too little? In the end, something cool always comes out of it. My highlight at the end of the semester is seeing everyone's projects and presenting your own project with a bit of pride."

Joshua Hemsuthipan
Media Design & Digital Design

Patricks Zitat

Benefit from experience

"What I like most about RWU is its smallness, its family atmosphere. If you want, you can get to know everyone here. If you want to get involved, you have the opportunity to help shape the university. We have professors who are unbelievably committed who always have an open ear and are available with advice and support. The expertise we have in the faculty is not to be underestimated. I consider the competence from professional life to be very great and you benefit from that as a student. Our lecturers have professional experience, are not just theoreticians, but come from the field. That has enormous added value."

Patrick Saft
Automotive Engineering


Create new

"If you're looking for space to develop and try things out, you'll find it here. For me, HOME, our student makerspace, is such a space. Here, it's all about using creativity to create something new, to acquire knowledge and to learn. Together with the other students, this creates experiences outside of teaching that I have grown from. I have learned which things I enjoy what I am intrinsically motivated for. I have learned to open up to new things and to overcome my inhibitions. During my internship semester, I realized that this can also be transferred to my working life. Now I know I want to get involved and take some risks.

Anton Gres
Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems

University Life
Hochschulleben 1

Colorful university life

A university is not just lectures and seminars. Rather, it is a place of discovery. A small cosmos that holds new impressions, friendships and ideas in store for you. It's not for nothing that it's said that your time at university is the time of your life.

At RWU you have the opportunity to discover new things and step out of your comfort zone. There are also numerous offers outside the timetable to make your studies richer. So: try yourself out, discover yourself new, find out what suits you, where you want to go.

In Weingarten and Ravensburg, more than 8,000 students study at the RWU, PH and DHBW - that's why there are numerous leisure and cultural activities for students.

Hochschulleben 2

Discover new

What would your time as a student be without the people who accompany you during this exciting time? Many of our students are involved in student initiatives and university groups. Whether it's Formula Student, where you construct racing cars together with other students, or strengthening LBTQIA+ rights with BuntPLUS. No matter what topic you are interested in, you will find it here. A list of all initiatives and university groups can be found here: Associations and Projects.

Movement is important, not only for learning. Together with the Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten, the free of charge university sports program is organized. The offers range from A for aerobics to soccer, karate, swimming and V for volleyball.

At CLIC Language Center you can refresh and expand your language skills. In addition to English, French and Spanish, courses are also offered in Turkish, Japanese and Russian.


RWU Worldwide

Whether Canada, Australia or Finland, with partner universities in over 30 countries, you have the opportunity at RWU to gain valuable experience abroad abroad.

As an exchange student, you will spend one or two semesters at one of our partner universities outside of Germany.

Would you prefer to gain international practical experience? RWU will support you in your job search and application for an internship abroad internship or a practical semester as well as with questions about financing.


Springboard to the future

Practice early! The Career Service advises all RWU students on how to make a successful start to their careers. The service covers almost everything that has to do with your career: from career orientation and job applications to job application training.

You have a bright idea during your studies? The GROW Lab offers you space to develop your ideas, hold workshops and create collaborations.

The Startup Center LAB4DTE advises students on how to start a business, from the initial idea to the successful launch. In the affiliated innovation lab you have the opportunity to try out and develop your ideas. For this purpose, modern applications and tools in the field of artificial intelligence, 3D sensor technology, Internet of Things and business intelligence are available to you. Drop in 2 start up!


There for you

Anyone starting a course of study or already in the middle of it is confronted with many questions that go beyond university and teaching. Where can I live, what are the BAföG regulations, and what can I eat in the cafeteria at lunchtime? The Seezeit Student Union takes care of these and even more questions.

The Student Body represents the interests of the students in committees of the university and mainly organizes cultural, social and sports events.

Sometimes life doesn't work out the way you want it to. In case of difficulties and problems - in studies and all around - the Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center of the Studierendenwerk Seezeit provides support at any time and free of charge.

For international students there are a number of offers to support them when they arrive in Weingarten. Here you can find the support services.

Last but not least: Our University cat Fräulein Luise can usually be found in the main building and often supports our students during their studies, for example by lolling on the tables and demanding to be petted. Petting animals is known to help relieve stress.




You are already sure and have a goal in mind? Then it's just a few more steps to your completed application to RWU. An overview of the application process, answers to the most frequently asked questions and a direct link to the RWU application portal can be found on our application page.

You're not quite sure yet which study program is really for you? Then let us advise you personally and individually. Our Central Student Advisory Service can help you with an individual consultation appointment.

Do you already have your eye on a course of study and specific questions about it? Then the Student Advisory Service is the right one for you. Every degree program has its own student advisor. Sometimes they are other students, sometimes the deans, but all of them can give you an authentic impression of the subject of your choice.


Fragen über Fragen


Before you start your studies, you will have many questions, and during your time at RWU, new ones will keep coming up. You are not alone with most of them. You can often find the answers in the FAQ on our homepage.

If you don't find what you are looking for there, the staff of our Student Service are there for you. The Student Service is responsible for questions regarding the organization of your studies, such as re-registration, exams, recognition of achievements, applications, and questions regarding BAföG.

Student lacht.

Equal opportunities in studies

We want you to make the most of your potential at RWU. We want to accompany you on this path. In doing so, we are aware that life circumstances are just as diverse as our students themselves. That's why equal opportunity is an important issue at RWU.

RWU is certified as a family-friendly university. Special arrangements are in place to meet the needs of students with children or with caregiving responsibilities. Further information can be found here.

Appreciation, diversity and family-friendliness are part of our mission statement. We want to be a university where everyone can feel comfortable, develop freely and feel safe. For us, it doesn't matter where you come from, what you believe or who you love.

If you ever feel discriminated against, please contact the appropriate person. You can find contacts here.


Contact & People

General contact details

Opening hours The Student Service is currently only available by phone and mail, especially at the following times: Monday to Thursday, 10.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 14.15, Friday, 09.00 - 12.00.
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Admissions Office

Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Teaching degree programs, Media Design, PEM, UVM
Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Faculty of Technology and Management, Fee Management
Zulassungsamt, Studierenden-Service
Fakultät Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege