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Dirk Steffens

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dirk Steffens

General business administration, corporate management
Representative of the Faculty for Quality
Opening hours by arrangement
Room B 118
On campus
Building B
Leibnizstr. 12
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dirk Steffens
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten


After completing his master's degree at the University of Stuttgart, Dirk Steffens worked for several years as a trainer in adult education. He then worked as an academic assistant at the Chair of Organization at the University of Stuttgart, where he also completed his doctorate. In his doctoral thesis, he dealt with the cost-efficient design of in-company training. At the same time, he took on numerous teaching assignments in the fields of organizational design and human resources management, including at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and DHBW Stuttgart.

After completing his doctorate, he took up a professorship for ABWL and Human Resources Management at the International School of Management in Stuttgart in 2015. There he was also head of the B.Sc. International Management program. Most recently, Dirk Steffens was Professor and Academic Director of Distance Learning at IU International University. He is a freelance trainer, consultant and author.