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Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Axel Olaf Kern

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Axel Olaf Kern

Health economics, social and health management, social policy, economics, business administration
Dean of Studies Management in Social and Health Care (part-time Master)
Opening hours by arrangement
Web links
Room A 219
On campus
Building A
Leibnizstr. 10
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Axel Olaf Kern
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Axel Olaf Kern is Professor of Health Economics at the Ravensburg Weingarten University of Applied Sciences. His research focuses on the strategic management of social and healthcare facilities against the background of structural changes in care requirements due to current and future demographic and technological changes.

At RWU, he is the founding dean of the Bachelor's degree program "Health Economics", has been dean of the part-time Master's degree program "Management in Social and Health Care" for 20 years and also heads the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Health and Social System Research. Before his academic career, he was deputy managing director of the IGSF Kiel - WHO Collaborating Center for Public Health Research.

Exciting questions prepared for you in the media:

social welfare _ Vortrag Korea

The future of social welfare services

Impfpass-Ablauf nach 6 Monaten, harte 2G-Regel: Was für die einzelnen Lockdown-Alternativen spricht – und was dagegen


Medieninfo Cluböffnung Ravensburg

Club openings under corona conditions Evaluation model project according to § 21 para. 11 CoronaVO of the city of Ravensburg and the clubs Kantine and Douala. - First results -

CHPS N0 18

Welfenfest-Öffnung unter Coronabedingungen Evaluation model project according to § 21 Abs. 11 CoronaVO of the city of Weingarten and the Welfenfestkommission e.V. - First results

Struktur der GesundheitsversorgungStructure of healthcare provision

Wie kommen wir durch die Corona Krise Podcast "How do we get through the corona crisis" (Schwäbische Zeitung, 22.03.2020)

Health economics in times of Corona

Podcast _ Axel Olaf Kern About this episode: The coronavirus pandemic has brought healthcare systems around the world to the brink of collapse. In Germany, too, there was great fear for a long time that there might not be enough beds and ventilators to care for seriously ill coronavirus patients. Have we cut costs at the wrong end? Does more money need to flow into the healthcare system to be prepared for crises like the one we are facing now?

WHY... ?

WHY... our Youtube channel for YOU

Why... Healthcare cannot be thought of without economics?

WHY... are there so few ventilation places?

WHY... do we manage?

Thinkers' conference of our Master's degree program Management in Social and Health Care

Further Thinkers' Conference 21 - PART II expected on March 4, 2022 - Program and link to registration



Articles and interviews


Militär Publikation

Role model function and expectations of superiors, subordinates and peers with OTA Dr Jörg Ruff and OTA Dr Wolfgang Kaiser


Schwäbische Zeitung from 01.02.2021

2021_02_01 Schwäbische S 1

2021_02_01 Schwäbische Zeitung_ Kliniken


Financing the healthcare system - consequences of privatization


screen shot

Selbstverwaltung Teil 1Selbstverwaltung Teil 2


Alles hängt von der Bettenzahl ab


Alles hängt von der Bettenzahl ab _2


Interview Domradio

The Catholic News Agency asked me about the costs and lessons of the corona crisis (06.04.2020)

WiFo Wien

FU Berlin

Alumnus of the Free University of Berlin (FU Berlin)


Luisa Große-Hartlage und Axel Olaf Kern










Bergmeister, K./ Große-Hartlage, L./ Kern, A. et al. (2020): Acute and long-term costs of 268 peripheral nerve injuries in the upper extremity, in: PLoS ONE 15(4): e0229530.Elsevier


Reforming MSWM in Sukunan (Yogjakarta, Indonesia) A case-study of applying a zero-waste approach based on circular economy paradigm Elsevier Enhanced Reader

Teaser elsevier

A societal transition of MSW management in Xiamen (China) toward a circular economy through integrated waste recycling and technological digitization

Landfill Gas Jarkata

Harnessing landfill gas LFG for electricity - A strategy to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Jakarta (Indonesia).



Working Paper 1Working Paper No 2
Marketing and social workImportance of complementary medicine in Baden-Württemberg
Working Paper 3Working Paper 4
Social work in hospitalsThe future of healthcare - "Elementar+" benefits catalog
Working Paper 5Working Paper 6
Integration of the patient's perspective in the context of Health Technology AssessmentsCorporate health management in small and micro enterprises
Working Paper 7Working Paper 8
Market withdrawals of pharmaceuticals due to the early benefit assessment under the AMNOGReforming Municipal Solid Waste Management in Indonesia Using Market Instruments: Applying a Co-Benefit Approach in Green Economy Paradigm for an Emerging Economic Country
Working Paper 9 

Leadership Culture and Digitalization in the Social and Health Economy

Weiterdenkertagung19; May 03, 2019; Conference documentation


Working Paper 11Working Paper No 12


Self-governance in statutory health insurance in the light of the 2017 social electionsElementary economic insights into healthcare not only in times of the corona crisis - Essayistic commentary -


Working Paper 13

Contribution to the emancipation of social work from criminology-theoretically based contract work in probation services using the example of the Baden-Württemberg Probation and Court Assistance Service (BGBW)

 Sustainable Development Cooperation in the Field of Schooling and Education in Sub-Saharan Africa -	A Social Work Perspective -

Working Paper 14 - 

Sustainable Development Cooperation in the Field of Schooling and Education in Sub-Saharan Africa - Social Work Perspective -


Working Paper 15 - Digitale Transformation

Working Paper 15: Digital Transformation in the Social and Health Economy


