The concept of the student institution:
The university group "Rover to Mars" (R2M) includes Bachelor's and Master's students from various disciplines such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, management, media design and social work. The students are building a Mars rover that combines complex mechanics and advanced software development. They will use the rover to take part in the annual Canadian International Rover Challenge (CIRC) in Canada. A team from Germany took part in this international competition for the first time in 2019: The R2M team from RWU in Weingarten!
Upcoming competition:
We are planning to participate in the "CIRC Competition ", which will take place in 2025 in Alberta (Drumheller), Canada.
Was wir machen
Der Hochschulgruppe „Rover to Mars“ (R2M) gehören Bachelor- und Masterstudierende aus verschiedenen Fachbereichen wie Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau, Management, Mediendesign und Soziale Arbeit an. Die Studierenden bauen einen Marsrover, der komplexe Mechanik und fortgeschrittene Softwareentwicklung vereint. Sie werden mit dem Rover an der jährlich stattfindenden „Canadian International Rover Challenge“ (kurz: CIRC) in Kanada teilnehmen. Bei diesem internationalen Wettbewerb trat 2019 das erste Mal ein Team aus Deutschland an: Das R2M-Team der RWU aus Weingarten!
Anstehender Wettbewerb:
Wir planen an der „CIRC Competition “ teilzunehmen, welche 2025 in Alberta (Drumheller), Kanada, stattfinden wird.

Why should you join the team?
If you enjoy mechatronics, robotics or would like to develop your organizational skills, this project is just right for you!
- Flyer Rover to Mars (PDF, 1.61 MB)Alle Informationen des Projektes für das Sommersemester 2024
Contact & People
General contact details
Phone | |
---|---| | |
Responsible: |
Zion Smuts, Leandro Ebner, José Luiz Salles de Mendonca
Web links | |
On campus |
Building E
Leibnizstr. 15
88250 Weingarten |
Postal address |
RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences Rover to Mars P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten Germany |