The creation and maintenance of healthy workplaces as effective protection and for the prevention of accidents at work, occupational illnesses and work-related health hazards are the foundations of occupational safety at the university.
With the targeted cooperation and advice of the occupational safety specialist, the company doctor, the fire safety officer and the safety officers, contact persons are available to you at the university.
Please contact the coordinating office if you have any questions about occupational safety.
Weitere Infos
Unter gezielter Mitwirkung und Beratung der Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit, der Betriebsärztin, des Brandschutzbeauftragten und der Sicherheitsbeauftragten stehen Ihnen an der Hochschule Ansprechpartnerinnen und Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung.
Bei Anfragen zur Arbeitssicherheit wenden Sie sich bitte an die koordinierende Stelle.
Occupational safety
Occupational safety
- Selection of personal protective equipment
- Coordination of suitable work equipment
- Hazard-reducing working methods
- Assistance with safety instructions
health protection
- Ergonomics of the workplace
- Occupational health care
- Compulsory care
- VDU glasses
accidents at work
Accident reports
Accidents (commuting accidents or accidents at work) that result in incapacity to work for more than three days must be reported as soon as possible. Please complete the relevant accident report form and send it to Technical Operations (Accidents involving employees and students). We can also fill out the accident report together with you.
After a commuting or occupational accident, the free choice of doctor is generally restricted. Insured persons should therefore consult a general practitioner.
Insurance cover
Further Link on the subject of insurance cover can be found here:
Safety officer
If you have any further questions or comments on occupational safety, the prevention of accidents at work, occupational illnesses and work-related health hazards, please contact the university's safety officers.
Display screen glasses
On the website of the Southwest German Association of Opticians you will find helpful information on how to obtain computer glasses.
A list of contractual partners can be found at the bottom of the page.
- Sicherheitsbeauftragte der RWU (PDF, 147.47 KB)Eine Übersicht über die Sicherheitsbeauftragten der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten (RWU) mit Kontaktdaten.
Fire protection

Fire protection
- Assessments of fire hazards
- Advice on preventive fire protection
- Identification of fire hazards
- Equipping with fire extinguishing equipment
Fire safety regulations
The current version of the university's fire safety regulations can be found on the university's QM portal. Registration is required.
Fire safety assistants
A current overview of all fire safety assistants at the university can be found in the university's QM portal. Registration is required.
- Brandschutzordnung Teil A (PDF, 130.16 KB)BSO Teil A
- Brandschutz- und Rettungszeichen (PDF, 117.86 KB)Symbole
First aid

Accidents and first aid
Minor injuries
In the event of minor injuries, please seek out people who are trained in first aid (company first aiders). They will provide first aid and decide on further measures, e.g. a visit to the accident doctor. First aid services are always documented on a registration form , which is forwarded to the Technical Operations Office.
You can find a current list of company first aiders at Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences in the QM portal at under the search term "Ersthelferliste".
Major injuries
In the event of a major injury (severe bleeding) or a sudden threatening illness (heart attack) , the emergency services must be alerted by calling 112 in addition to the company first aiders. Via a landline telephone at Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences , please dial: 0-112
The dispatcher at the rescue control center will systematically ask you questions about the emergency situation. He will make the necessary arrangements during the call. Only end the call when you are asked to do so.
At least one person should be sent to the road to instruct the emergency services.
The Technical Operations Manager, the Rector and the Registrar must also be informed of the accident immediately.
A total of four defibrillators are available on the university campus in the event of a medical emergency.
These are located on the first floor of the following buildings
Building C, Building H, Building L and Mensa.
Contact & People
General contact details
Opening hours | by arrangement |
Phone | |
Room | H 041 |
On campus |
Building H (main building)
Doggenriedstrasse 70
88250 Weingarten |
Postal address |
RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences Occupational safety P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten Germany |
Occupational safety
Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit
Bei Fragen rund um den Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz können Sie sich gern an die Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit der RWU wenden.
Die Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit ist u.a. für folgende Themen beratend tätig:
- Gefährdungsbeurteilungen
- Umgang und Ausstattung mit persönlicher Schutzausrüstung
- Unterstützung bei grundlegenden Maßnahmen der Arbeitsgestaltung
- Untersuchungen nach Ereignissen z.B. nach Arbeitsunfällen
- Allgemeine Beratungen zum Arbeitsschutz
- Unterstützung bei Begehungen zum Arbeitsschutz
Unsere Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit erreichen Sie unter
Safety officer

Hazardous substances officer
First aid officer

Haben Sie Fragen zum Umgang mit Lasereinrichtungen, können Sie sich gern über an den Laserschutzbeauftragten der RWU wenden.