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Press release

"Today you are the center of attention!"

RWU-Absolventenfeier der Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informatik, Absolventinnen und Absolventen erhalten ihre Zeugnisurkunden
144 Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informatik schlossen ihr Studium im vergangenen Sommersemester erfolgreich ab.
Lisann Gauß

Weingarten - A total of 94 bachelor's and 50 master's students completed their studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at RWU last summer semester. At the graduation celebration, the graduates were handed their certificates. Prizes were also awarded for outstanding achievements.

Around 200 guests gathered at the university last Friday to celebrate the graduates. "Today, the focus is on you," said Professor Dr. Bela Mutschler, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. "You can be proud of yourselves and look forward with confidence to the professional life that is now beginning. By graduating from RWU, you have set an important foundation for this," he said, congratulating the graduates of his faculty.

Special achievements honored

It was not only the certificates that were given out on this evening. Several students were also honoured for their outstanding achievements. André Burkhart, a graduate of the bachelor's degree program in Business Informatics, received the doubleSlash Award from the same-named IT company in Friedrichshafen.

Sarah Erath, a graduate of the bachelor's degree program in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, was honoured with the enerquinn Award. This was presented by Managing Director Heike Ewert, who highlighted the relevance of women in STEM fields.

The prize from Technische Werke Schussental was awarded twice that evening: to Anja Konzept and Arne Hitz, both graduates of the bachelor's degree program in E-Mobility and Green Energy. The Students' Union Award went to Anton Gres for his above-average engagement.

The Ravensburg band Staying Outside entertained the celebration with music.

To the photo gallery.


Text: Lisann Gauß