Weingarten - The Akademie für Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung Bodensee-Oberschwaben (AWW) at RWU has published its new 2024 annual program for part-time continuing education. As a regional education partner, AWW promotes the professional and personal development of each individual with its programs.
In 2021, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism adopted the WEITER.mit.BILDUNG@BW continuing education offensive. This gives the topic of further education a new, important status within society. AWW is also pursuing this objective with its new annual program for in-service training.
New programs in engineering, business social work and healt care
Lifelong learning, future-oriented continuing education
Professor Dr. Sebastian Mauser, Vice-Rector for Academic Continuing Education, adds: "Demographic change shows that we cannot rely on the next generation of young talent. Lifelong learning is the solution because if there are fewer new recruits, the existing ones must be optimally trained. This puts the spotlight on further education and training. And this is where universities come into play." One of the key tasks for the future lies in the networking and exchange between science and industry in order to achieve the greatest possible transparency of supply and demand and to strengthen the regional economy.
The globalized world is changing at a rapid pace and with it the requirements in the world of work. "In order to keep pace with innovations, it is crucial not only to regularly update technologies. It also requires continuous personal development," says Christina Schmidt. "Lifelong learning and further training are the key to shaping this transformation."
Further information on RWU's continuing education program can be found at rwu.de/continuing-education.
Text: Judith Schützbach / Lisann Gauß
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