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Press release

Knowledge portfolio for stable success

Thorsten Weiss
Im Mittwochseminar am 15. Mai an der RWU befasst sich Professor Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Weiss mit der Frage, wie man das eigene Wissen in Zeiten einer dauerhaften Informationsflut sinnvoll ausbaut und einsetzt.

In professional life, it is important to acquire the right skills, especially in times of intense change. This applies not only to the technology sector, but also to most other professions.

New trends, new technologies and new opportunities for personal development inundate us on social networks, in the mass media and in non-fiction books. Probably never before, so much information has been available as quickly as it is today.

In his presentation, Professor Dr. Thorsten Weiß explores the question of how to select relevant topics that will become important for ourselves in the future. In other words: How do we know what we need to learn next and what we need to focus on intensively?

Easy-to-use tools are shown which can be used to recognise trends and quickly acquire new knowledge. Furthermore, the benefits of looking at your knowledge portfolio and how this can be successfully integrated into your job will be discussed.

Professor Dr. Thorsten Weiss studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Ulm and completed his doctorate in the field of driver assistance systems. He then worked in the development and project environment in two automotive groups. He has been working as a professor at RWU since 2014, researching and teaching mainly in the field of serving digitalization with web technologies and smart devices with embedded systems. He also works intensively on soft skills topics. He has been supporting technologists in their personal and technical development in industry for over 15 years.

Wednesday seminar at the RWU
"Knowledge portfolio for stable success"

With: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Weiss
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
18:00 to 19:30
Room C004, Building C of the RWU, Leibnizstraße 11, 88250 Weingarten

Hybrid event: The lecture will take place on site and online. The face-to-face event will take place in room C004 in building C of the RWU, Leibnizstraße 11, 88250 Weingarten. On the day of the event, a link will be published on the RWU homepage (, which leads directly to the online lecture. Prior registration is not necessary.