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Press release

Hermann Zettler receives the RWU Badge of Honour

Übergabe RWU Hauptgebäude - Sanierung Werkstätten und Labore
Der baden-württembergische Sozialminister Manne Lucha (links) und der der Rektor der RWU, Professor Dr. Thomas Spägele (rechts) übereichen Hermann Zettler die Ehrennadel der RWU.

Ravensburg-Weingarten University has awarded Hermann Zettler its Badge of Honour. Hermann Zettler headed the Amt für Vermögen und Bau in Ravensburg from 2012 to 2023 and in this role was also responsible for all construction measures at RWU.

With his commitment, Hermann Zettler has made an extraordinary contribution to the further development of the university, said RWU's Rector, Professor Dr Thomas Spägele, in his laudation. Thanks to the numerous renovations and also new buildings such as the e-mobility laboratory, RWU, as a modern and very well-equipped university, can dedicate itself to its task of providing scientific training for young people.

An investment in the young generation

"This bears your signature," said Thomas Spägele at Hermann Zettler. "We are grateful for the investments that the state has implemented at RWU in recent years. This campus, these buildings, lecture halls and laboratories are an investment in the young generation and thus in the future of our entire region."

"I was enthusiastic about this university from the very first moment," Hermann Zettler replied. In a place with such great innovative power, he said, building is also something special. And with such exciting tasks, the step into retirement was particularly difficult, said Zettler.

Although the university honoured the head of the Amt für Vermögen und Bau by name, it also addressed a larger group of people: Hermann Zettler, it says on the certificate, also received the Badge of Honour on behalf of the entire staff of his office. "The staff have contributed greatly to the success of our university with their willingness to engage with the needs of a university and with their courage to take unconventional paths to achieve this."

Text: Christoph Oldenkotte