How can we nevertheless make this complex construct called the future shapeable? What methods and skills are needed to do this? In the Wednesday seminar on April 26, everything revolves around the topic of future design. The founders and directors of the Future Design Academy Holger Bramsiepe and Klaus Kofler will provide insights into future design, its opportunities and challenges. They explain which skills and competencies which views and perspectives are needed to be able to give shape to the future. A look is also taken at the shifting boundaries of our world: innovative technologies are already expanding our reality and creating new virtual learning and experimentation spaces.
Holger Bramsiepe has dedicated more than 30 years to his passion: design and further development. Initially, after his studies in industrial design, as a production designer. In the meantime he designs much more: innovations, strategies, organizations up to the "future". He is a lecturer at the Muthesius Academy of Art in Kiel and at Ravensburg-Weingarten University.
Together with Klaus Kofler, he founded the Future Design Academy in 2019, a creative think tank for future design based in Wuppertal and Vorarlberg. Klaus Kofler is a futurologist, speaker and author. He is also co-founder of "Zukunft Neu Denken", a platform for responsible and courageous future lobbyists.
Mittwochseminar at RWU: "Future. Shaping. Learn."
Speakers: Holger Bramsiepe and Klaus Kofler.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
The event will take place hybrid
Presence: Room C004, C-Building (Leibnizstraße 11 in 88250 Weingarten).
Online: The link will be posted on the RWU homepage(www.rwu.de) on the day of the event.
Text: Future Design Academy/ Vivian Missel
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