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Online Quality Workshop 2023

Tell us what you think!

Symbolbild zur Qualitätswerkstatt

As in 2021, the Quality Workshop will again be conducted as an online survey on the quality of studying, teaching and working at RWU. The goal of the feedback format is to find out how satisfied students, faculty and staff are and what improvements they would like to see. The survey is open to all RWU students, staff and faculty.

Those who fill out the survey completely can win a Seezeit voucher. Even so, it's worth taking part because a lot has been done in the past few years as a result of feedback from students, staff and faculty. The administration and faculties have taken up the 2021 suggestions and implemented many changes.

The 2023 Quality Workshop will focus on the satisfaction survey. Some questions from 2021 will be asked again to track progress and measure the impact of changes implemented. Overall, however, the number of questions has been reduced and the free text fields have been moved to the end of the survey. This will allow participants to complete the survey more quickly.

The results of the survey will be published internally at the university in the beginning of 2024.

Click here to participate:
International students:
German students:

The survey is open from November 20 to December 3, 2023.
Participation is voluntary and anonymous. Participants must have an RWU e-mail address.
Those who fill out the survey completely have a chance to win a Seezeit voucher.

If you have any questions, please contact
