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RWU successful in the female professors program

Zwei junge Frauen sitzen mit Laptops an einem Tisch. Eine Frau im bunten Pullover spricht gestikulierend.
RWU, Elias Engelhardt

Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences has been accepted into the fourth program phase of the Women Professors Program. "Inclusion in the Women Professors Program 2030 is an honor for RWU," says Rector Thomas Spägele.

The nationwide program of the federal and state governments aims to increase the number of women in top academic positions. In order to receive funding for measures at their own university, the universities first had to submit a general concept for the promotion of women on the way to parity in the university. RWU was able to convince with its strategy.

"We have already done a lot in the area of appointment management in recent years," says Anja Wagner, Equal Opportunities Officer at RWU. "With the female professor program, we not only want to attract more female professors, but also start promoting female students. In addition to better structurally anchoring gender equality, it is important to retain women in the academic system."

"Aiming to increase the proportion of female professors to 24%"

The selected universities receive funding if they appoint a woman to a professorship for a maximum of three first-time female professors. The funds must in turn flow into measures to promote gender equality. In addition to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the state of Baden-Württemberg also finances the program with a proportionate share of the necessary university funds.

"We have big plans for the coming years," says Thomas Scheier-Alt, Equal Opportunities Officer at RWU, "and the success of the Female Professors Program gives us even more momentum." RWU has set itself the goal of increasing the proportion of female professors from the current 17.7% to 24% by 2030.

Nationwide, 92 universities were selected in the first round of the Female Professors Program 2030.

Anja Wagner