RWU invites to a reading by Ali Can. As part of this year's reading tour of the AG Gender & Diversity of the Scientific Network Four-Country Region Lake Constance, the author Ali Can will come to Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences (RWU) on Tuesday, June 13 and read from his book "Mehr als eine Heimat. Wie ich deutschsein neu definiere". He addresses integration and identity, migration and homeland, racism, diversity and social cohesion.
Millions of people in Germany are "German and something else": This country is just as naturally their home as they still feel connected to other languages and cultures. However, they are constantly being told that they don't really belong. For Ali Can, one thing is certain: Homeland - these are the values we share. And everyone who lives in this country - whether with or without a migration background - should be able to participate in an open, constructive dialogue about them. The author will also talk about experiences and lessons learned in his work against racism and for integration. Other stops on the reading tour are Kempten and Constance.
Ali Can is an author and social activist and became known, among other things, as the initiator of the "Hotline for Citizens" and the Twitter campaign #MeTwo as an anti-racism hashtag. At the beginning of 2019, he founded the meeting place "VielRespektZentrum". He has received several awards for his commitment, including the Federal Cross of Merit.
Reading Ali Can: "Mehr als eine Heimat. Wie ich Deutschsein neu definiere"
Tuesday, June 13 from 7 p.m.
Lounge in the A-Building, Leibnizstrasse 10, 88250 Weingarten.
Admission is free.
- EFlyer_Lesereise.pdf (PDF, 1.29 MB)