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Faculty T

Homecoming Party

Home-Coming-Party der Fakultät T 2023

Between 2020 and 2022, not only did teaching take place online, but the end of teaching - i.e. the graduation ceremony - was also replaced by the more impersonal mailing of certificates and perhaps a shared glass of champagne on the screen. The Faculty of Technology and Management did not want to let this stand and decided to invite all of its graduates from the winter semester 2019/2020 to the summer semester 2022 to RWU once again to celebrate all of these graduations together.

530 students graduated during these six semesters in the seven bachelor's and master's programs of the Faculty T. 200 of them accepted the invitation and so there was a great reunion in the foyer of the main building of RWU. The evening was organized and carried out by the staff of Faculty T.

"Everyone is happy that it came to a celebration after all."

RWU's Rector, Professor Dr. Thomas Spägele, and the Dean of Faculty T, Professor Dr. Nils Hagen, took over the official welcoming. "I can already see the next RWU generation here," Spägele said, referring to the various strollers. "The focus of the evening," said Nils Hagen, "should be networking. Network with each other and stay in touch with us, too."

After the welcome, the mic went to Andreas Rebholz. The poetry and science slammer performed at RWU with his text "Average Type." The Ulm native has been successfully performing at poetry slams in German-speaking countries since 2013. The Ravensburg duo Heart Copy with Caroline Nachbaur and Martin Sauter provided the musical framework for the evening.

The focus of the homecoming party was the reunion, both of the students with each other and with the professors. The feedback from the guests was good: "Everyone is happy that it came to a party after all."


Christoph Oldenkotte / Ulrike Reck-Obert