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Prof. Dr. André Kaufmann

Prof. Dr. André Kaufmann

Basic internships: BE 1-3 (Basic electrical training), Circuit analysis in the time and frequency domain, Applied heat transfer and flow
Dean of Studies Automotive Engineering
Opening hours by arrangement
Room H 232
On campus
Building H (main building)
Doggenriedstrasse 70
88250 Weingarten
Outside the campus




Teaching and subject areas:

  • Basic practical courses: BET 1-3 (Basic electrical training)
  • Circuit analysis in the time and frequency domain
  • Applied heat transfer and flow


  • Electrical engineering for the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EI) and Electromobility and Renewable Energies (EM) degree programs
  • Head of the Institute of Electromobility together with Prof. Reick
  • E-learning representative


  • Degree and diploma in physics, Bonn
  • Degree and Master's degree in Fluid Mechanics, Toulouse (France)
  • Doctorate on the subject of two-phase flows, Toulouse (France)
  • Development engineer, Siemens VDO
  • Group Manager Charging Systems, Continental
  • Professor of Automotive Engineering in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering