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Andreas Haag

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Haag

Electrical drive technology, control engineering and mechatronics
Dean of Studies Automotive Engineering
Opening hours by arrangement
Room D 021
On campus
Building D
Leibnizstr. 9
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Haag
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten


Antony, P., Haag, A., Schildhauer, C. 2022. hybrid drivetrains. In: Kraftfahrtechnisches Taschenbuch. 30th edition. Springer Vieweg.
Haag, A. 2020. Nonlinear interpolation method for data reduction of time series. Stuttgart Symposium on Automotive and Engine Technology.
Haag, A. 2017. Efficient concepts for hybrid powertrains. Dissertation. Springer publishing house.
Haag, A., Antony, P., Panik, F., Bargende, M. 2016. Iterative refinement of the discretization of state variables in dynamic programming. Stuttgart Symposium on Automotive and Engine Technology.
Haag, A., Antony, P., Panik, F., Bargende, M. 2015. A Comparison of Varieties of Powertrains for Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Braunschweig Symposium for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles.
Haag, A. 2014. Categorization of the topologies of hybrid powertrains. Day of the doctoral program. University of Stuttgart.


Links to courses:

Electrical Engineering and Electronics (WiSe/SoSe):
Measurement and control engineering (winter semester):
Control engineering in mechatronics (winter semester): TBD