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Measurement and control technology

Studierende arbeiten am Motorrad.

In the laboratory for measurement and control technology, complex PC-based systems for measuring pressure, temperature, force, vibrations and other technical or physical variables can be found in addition to the still common stand-alone measuring instruments. PC technology in particular allows simple measurement tasks to be quickly expanded into control engineering applications.

The students acquire the necessary measurement and control fundamentals in the corresponding practical course. In project work, which is sometimes also interdisciplinary or beyond the faculty boundaries, the knowledge is successively expanded and thus practical problem solving is learned.

Examples of projects in the lab:

  • Conversion of a motorcycle to an e-bike (Prof. Engelhardt)
  • Development of a motorcycle roller dynamometer (Prof. Engelhardt)
  • 4-stamp system for vibration analysis on model vehicles (Prof. Engelhardt)
  • Bicycle suspension fork test rig (Prof. Engelhardt)
  • Investigation of the wheel effect of motorboats (Prof. Kaufmann)
  • Development and optimization of a Segway (Prof. Till)



Different sensors for pressure, temperature, flow and vibration measurement (up to 20000 g) are available. In addition to classical measuring instruments and sensors on which mainly the functional principles are explained, modern PC-based systems are also available.

Among the more complex systems are

  • a vibration measuring station for ICP and charge sensors as well as strain gages
  • a practical industrial vibration measuring device
  • impulse hammer and shaker for vibration excitation
  • laser vibrometer for non-contact vibration measurement
  • various measurement amplifiers and DAQ devices
  • Vibration isolated tables

Increasingly microcontrollers are used, which are programmed in C++, Python and also Node-RED.


Contact & People

General contact details

Room D 007
On campus
Building D
Leibnizstr. 9
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Measurement and control technology
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Laboratory Manager

Vibration theory and machine dynamics
Dean of Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor), Dean of Students in the Dean's Office of Mechanical Engineering

Laboratory Team

Materials testing, metrology