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Press release

Two cultural ambassadors: RWU honors students

Prorektor Professor Dr. Michael Pfeffer, Studierende Zion Smuts und Aditya Date sowie Ramona Herrmann, Koordinatorin für internationale Vollzeitstudierende und stellvertretende Leiterin des International Office der RWU.
Gruppenbild von Prorektor Professor Dr. Michael Pfeffer (l.) mit Zion Smuts (2. v. l., Preisträger des International Student Award 2024) und Aditya Date (2. v. r., Preisträger des DAAD-Preises) und Ramona Herrmann (r.), Koordinatorin für internationale Vollzeitstudierende und stellvertretende Leiterin des International Office der RWU.
RWU (kw)

Weingarten - RWU has honored Indian student Aditya Date with the DAAD Prize for the year 2024 and is presenting the International Student Award to Zion Smuts from South Africa. Both are being honored for their outstanding intercultural and student engagement. Professor Dr. Michael Pfeffer, Vice-Rector for Research, International Affairs and Transfer, presents the certificates.

Aditya Date is in the final stages of his Master's degree in Mechatronics and is currently writing his thesis at the Volkswagen Group. He plans to start his career in Germany in August. The young student shines with an A average and has managed to finance his studies himself on the side. He has worked as a student trainee in Munich and as a student assistant at RWU's Language Center. As a member of the Council of Indian Students and the International Department of the AStA, Aditya Date has organized various events. These included the "Prom Night" and traditional Indian festivals such as Holi and Diwali - cultural experiences for German and international students. He was also a student buddy three times. "I was an international student myself and know how difficult it is to find your feet in Germany at the beginning. That's why I wanted to support other students."

Commitment to living interculturality

Zion Smuts is in the fourth semester of his Bachelor's degree course in "E-Mobility and Green Energy" and is well known among students beyond the boundaries of his subject. The award winner enjoys networking and has been committed to promoting togetherness and greater openness to the world at RWU for two years. He has already co-trained the "Intercultural Sensitization" seminar at the RWU Language Center three times. In the course, Zion Smuts trains participants in the perception of cultural differences. The course also promotes better integration of foreign students and exchange between German and non-German students. Together with two fellow students, he has also revived the university's "Rover2Mars" project and is now even head of the "Mechanics" team. In addition to his studies and internal university projects, he also plays in the local rugby club.

Commitment as a bridge between cultures

Vice-Rector Michael Pfeffer praised not only the commitment of the two award winners, but also their willingness to get involved linguistically and culturally at RWU and in Germany. "I really appreciate it when students show initiative and both embody the ideal type for our university: a bridge between their own culture and ours - and with a remarkably good knowledge of German." The two students accept the award with great gratitude, but they do not see it as the end point, but as an incentive for their future path. "The award is a motivation to continue with my social commitment and to get the best out of myself during my studies," summarizes Zion.


About the prizes

The DAAD Prize is an award for foreign students who distinguish themselves through special academic achievements as well as remarkable social or intercultural commitment. The prize money amounts to 1,000 euros and is donated by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The International Student Award recognizes individuals, regardless of their nationality or group, who have made a special effort to promote cooperation and tolerance as well as awareness of different cultures and traditions. The International Student Award is endowed with prize money of 500 euros, sponsored by the Friends of RWU.


Text: Ramona Herrmann / Kathrin Wöhrle
