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Care in focus

Diversity of the nursing profession - first-hand insights

Pflege im Fokus

On May 12, 2023, the "Nursing in Focus" event was held for the first time in the rooms of the new RWU nursing laboratory. This day was organized by the social planning department and the coordinator for generalist nursing training in the Ravensburg district. The aim was to inform interested students about the diversity of the nursing profession and the corresponding training opportunities in the district.

To this end, in addition to RWU with its bachelor's degree program in nursing, numerous other institutions offering nursing training in the region were represented. Among other things, the nearly 50 visitors were able to experience how it feels to perform everyday tasks with physical limitations. For example, the everyday walk to the bathroom was experienced for themselves from a different perspective using an age simulator - that is with a heavy, sand-filled vest as well as other weights all over the body that simulate limitations of the musculoskeletal system.

Direct exchange with trainees and students about learning the nursing profession

In addition, the correct administration of injections and resuscitation could be practiced on simulation mannequins. Proper hand disinfection could be verified using an ultrasound device and further care scenarios could be experienced in virtual treatment rooms with the help of VR glasses.

After immersing themselves in different care situations, the students received information about career opportunities in nursing at several booths. Numerous further training opportunities, academic qualification options as well as earnings levels were presented.

Finally, the young visitors had the opportunity to talk with trainees and students about learning the nursing profession. Questions about learning content and student life could be asked and answered directly on the spot. In this way, the participants gained first-hand insights and were able to learn about the diversity of the nursing profession as well as nursing care.

Irena Schreyer / Prof. Dr. Maik H.-J. Winter